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Vision mission OLPCC, a catholic college, as an evangelizing arm of the local church, envisions a totally

transformed Christian community. Thus, OLPCC as sharer in the life and mission of the local church
commits to: provide equal opportunity and access to quality education integrating gospel and Filipino
cultural values responsive and relevant to the needs of times. Create in the school community an
atmosphere and opportunity for individual transformation that leads to Christian community living.
Reach out to people enriching their faith-life experience needed in building a just and humane society.

Philosophy pillarican education is a lifelong journey towards total human transformation through
integral evangelization in order that every one becomes a pillar of peace, justice, love of humanity which
preferences for the poor and deep concern for the environment.

OLPCC Core values people oriented with preferential option for the poor insistent passion for excellence
loyal to the school and team work oriented life long learner accountable and Christ centered and
responsible Filipino citizen with social and environmental consciousness.

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