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Circle the correct from of the pronoun or possesive adjective in the following sentences.
1. I go to school with (he/him) every day.
2. I see (she/her) at the union every Friday.
3. She speaks to (we/as/ourselves) every morning.
4. Isn’t (she/her) a nice person.
5. (he/him) is going to New York on vacation.
6. (she/her) and Jhon gave the money to the boy.
7. (yours/your) record is scratched and (my/mine) is too.
8. I hurt (my/mine/the) leg.
9. (we/us) girl are going to camping over the weekend.
10. Mr. Jones cut (hisself/himself) shaving.
11. We like (our/ours) new car every much.
12. The dog bit (she/her) on the leg.
13. Jhon (he/himself) went to the meeting.
14. You’ll stick (you/your/yourself) with the pins if you are not careful.
15. Mary and (i/me) would rather go to the movies.
16. Everyone has to do (their/his) own research.
17. Just between you and (i/me), i don’t like this food.
18. Monday is holiday for (we/us) theachers.
19. (her/hers) car does not go as fast as (our/ours).

2. Buatlah kalimat kalimat dibawah ini menjadi kalimat pasif dan kalimat tanya!
1. I always get up at 04: 00 am.
2. He usually goes to supermarket in the afternoons.
3. We often do sports in GOR.
4. They sometimes come at home at night.
5. You often wash in the river.
6. My father usually watches TV at nigt .

1. (-) I don’t always get up at 04:00 a.m.

(?) do you always get up at 04:00 a.m?
2. (-) he doesn’t usually goes to supermarket the afternoons.
(?) does he usually goes to supermarket the afternoons?
3. (-) we don’t often do sport in GOR.
(?) do you often do sport in GOR?
4. (-) they don’t sometime come at home at night.
(?) do they sometime come at home at night?
5. (-) you don’t often wash in the river.
(?) do ypou often wash in the river?
6. (-) my father does’n usually watch TV at night.
(?) does’n my father usually watch TV at night?
3. Buatlah 5 kalimat yang menyatakan kebenaran umum!
1. The horse has four legs.
2. Sugar tastes sweet.
3. Rain water falls from the sky.
4. Man walkes on foot.
5. The sun does not rise at night.

4. Buatlah 5 kalimat untuk mendeskripsikan seseorang atau benda, kemuadian garis

bawahi kata kerja simple present!

Have you ever watch the cartoon movie “kung fu panda?”. The panda in the movie is
described as a fat animal, love-noodle eater, and kung fu master. But the panda that will be
described below is not the panda who can do kung fu like in the movie. Here is the
description about panda.
Pandas are bear-like animal which originally live in center and western part of China.
Pandas have distinguish features the make them different other species of bear. Pandas have
which covers all of their body with black ayes patches, ears, nose, legh, shoulders, and arms.
Those black marks make pandas unique and different.
Like other species of bear, pandas have a big head, a short tail, rounded ears, and a long
muzzle with a big nose. However, pandas diet is totally different with other species of bear.
In which they prefer bamboos then others. 90% of pandas diet consists of bamboos. That is
why panda have adapted their body to help them in eating bamboos. Panda have a big jaw
with tough muscles and strong molars to crush bamboos so they can extract the nutrients
they need.

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