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2017| A Q U A L I T A T I V E S T U D Y



Margarita G. Tamang
Student Researcher
Isabela State University
San Mariano Campus

Problem Statement: College students often devote themselves with their studies that they

almost forget to praise and worship the God the Almighty Father. It is important for the college

students to know how religiosity or spirituality is important in gaining high academic


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences, perceptions, and attitudes of

academically successful college students who are also religious regarding the connection

between religiosity and academic success. The study showcase how religion affect the academic

performance of every student. In addition, this study is to impart knowledge on how an

individual learner balance his/her religion and education. In addition, its purpose is to present

information about how religion and education is important.

Method: This study is a qualitative study with a total number of 30 participants/respondents

students of Isabela State University, San Mariano Campus. The researcher used a single piloted

questionnaire, a close ended questionnaire in which the respondents needs to choose any of the

five level agreement. The researcher used likert scale in analyzing the data gathered wherein it

only asked individuals to check their level of agreement as to whether strongly agree, agree, fair,

disagree and strongly agree.

Results: Allotting a balance time in the religion and in education is really helpful to everyone.

Seventy – five percent (70 %) of the respondents believed that religion or faith can give a high

academic performance and achievements to every college students, 20 % believed that religion is

not really helpful in attaining high grades instead they believed that it is up to you who make

your own academic achievements and 10 % of the respondents is uncertain as to whether religion

help them to gain a high grade.

2017 | A Q U A L I T A T I V E S T U D Y

Conclusions: The researcher therefore conclude that religion plays a very important role to an

individual college student wherein spirituality may give a proper self-direction, purpose and

focus in life. It is essential to blend religion and education together because without education,

religion would not run out successfully.

The college experience is a time of educational, emotional, physical, social, and religious

adjustment and change for every students. For college students who are unreligious, this would

be a great way of adjustment but for college students who are religious, it can be a time of

spiritual exploration and growth, religious self-examination and discovery (McNamara &

Nelson, 2005). Thus, religious beliefs that have gone unquestioned under the guidance of parents

may become challenged in the halls of academia. Whereas, religion is an interest, a belief or an

activity that is very important to a person or a group thus, this belief has the organized system of

ceremonies and rules used in worshipping. According to the study of M. Oyewumi Adebomi1

(2014) regarding religion as a part of academe, he stated that religious practice promotes the

well-being of individuals, families, and the community. In addition, religious practice leads to an

increase in physical and mental health, longevity, and education attainment. Religion has long

been considered an important force in shaping social life. While the consequences of religion for

morality and social organization have been the subject of much in the historical record, the

effects of religion on personal health and well-being have more recently received considerable

attention. M. Oyewumi Adebomi1 (2014) further discuss that religious practice promotes the

well-being of individuals with or without disabilities, families, and the community as a whole.

M. Oyewumi Adebomi1 (2014) also gives emphasis to his study that academic expectations, the

level of education attained, school attendance, and academic performance are all positively

affected by religious practice. Studies show that the college experience tends to “liberalize”

students’ views, and this liberalization is often related to weaker religious beliefs that can affect a

students’ religiosity (Lee, 2000).

Actually, the college years can be trying times in a young person’s life because many

students confronted with challenges to their faith for the first time in their lives, many of them

are facing critical career and family issues but then they never choose to give up in such a way

that they knew that God is beside them. Moreover, college life may bring a deluge of new

choices and opportunities that are incompatible with the moral environment in which the

religious student was raised, and it will lead students to confusion. But religion may play an

important role in the battle of gaining high academic achievement. However, religion should be

detached from the academic consciousness of the students because when the two rely on one

another the student might believe that his/her religion work on his/her academic status. The idea

might instill in the mind of the student that s/he should devote his/her time in his/her religion for

him/her to get and gain a high grades than working on his/her academe.
As stated by Lanuza, one good thing about religion is that this awaken you to have a

strong faith in God because there is no impossible with him.

College students who often have difficulty adjusting to the rigorous academic demands

that accompany higher learning as well as the social pressures to experience the typical college

“party” atmosphere. It is in this atmosphere of college life that many students fail to succeed

academically. Religiously disengaged teenagers were more likely to cut classes, smoke

marijuana, drink alcohol, participate in sexual activities, play violent oriented action video

games, and receive poorer grades than their religiously devoted counterparts. Furthermore,

religiously devoted teenagers were found to be less rebellious, less moody, more physically fit,

more goals oriented and enjoy a greater sense of overall personal happiness.
However, studies show that college students who maintain high levels of religiosity, that

is, participate in and conform to the religious beliefs and requirements of a particular

denomination, tend to outperform their college peers academically (Jeynes, 2003). In an effort to

understand this phenomenon, this study examines, through qualitative, the experiences, attitudes,

and perceptions of academically successful college students who are also religious concerning

the connection of academic success and religiosity.


Research indicates that religion plays an important role in the lives of every Filipino

youth and that there is an observable and measurable association between the religiosity of a

student and academic success. Religion has many roles to do, one of this is to educate everyone

about God unending love to his children also its role is to increase academic performance.
Education is important for all citizens and religion is important too. This two has a tight

relationship with one another because an increased religious attendance is correlated with higher

2017 | A Q U A L I T A T I V E S T U D Y

grades. In one study, students who attended religious activities weekly or more frequently were

found to have a higher grade than students who never attended religious activities. More than 75

% of students who become more religious during their college years achieved above-average

college grades. Religiously involved students work harder in school than non-religious students.
Popular opinion holds that the more educated people are, the less religious they are.

Many people say that the more professional you are, the less time you can give to God for

worship. Which is true due to loaded work you wasn’t able to leave your table to give thanks to

the Lord for all the blessings he had given you but it is your choice if you choose your work over

God then go on however you should be ashamed in asking him for guidance.
Moreover, studies have shown that individual and familial religiosity correlate with a

number of positive attributes, such as self - esteem and familial cohesiveness, which directly and

indirectly influence a student’s potential to succeed academically (e.g., Jeynes, 2003; Loury,

1997; Poston & Turnbull, 2004).


Theoretical Framework
Figure 1 illustrates the complexity of the relationships among the variables of interest.

The darker arrows represent the primary directional influence while lighter ones represent a

weaker reciprocal effect. The propositional framework represents the multi-component global

variable of national culture dominated by asymmetrical relationships that are affected by varying

degrees of reciprocity between each of the identified component variables. NRC has been

extracted from the global variable of national culture in order to discuss it as a discrete influencer

and is portrayed in this paper as an independent variable. Here, the primary relationship between

NRC (i.e., religious influence) and entrepreneurial behavior is viewed as one between a property

(i.e., a long-lasting characteristic, non-dependent on circumstance for establishment and resistant

to influence, which is non-synonymous to a disposition), and an act (i.e., a mutable characteristic

dependent on circumstances), respectively. Thus, it is argued that NRC will affect entrepreneurial

activity in a direct relationship as it is typified in perspectives such as the Protestant work ethic

(Weber, 1920, 1958).

National Religious


National Culture
(including Hofstede’s Gender Roles
Dimension )

Figure 1. The Multifaceted Impact of Religious Influence

Gender in itself is certainly a property; however, gender roles describe the expected and

enacted behaviors (i.e., the disposition or act) assigned to the gender. Therefore, even though

gender is a property and, thus, is not influenced by religion, gender roles are shaped by its

influence. Additionally, most of the known, major religions of both the past and present have

been based on patriarchal control. Thus, the cultural roles of women have historically been

subservient in the majority of cultures. The strength of religion’s influence on gender roles is

reinforced by the acceptance and enactment of these roles. With each acceptance of the

religiously inspired roles prescribed for each gender, the legitimacy of the influence becomes

stronger and the roles are reinforced to the point that reciprocal relationships develop among the

component variables.
Another culturally-based issue relevant to this discussion is the way that people tend to

deal with or view their environment. For example, individuals with fervent religiosity who are

close adherents to their chosen religion’s traditional doctrine are viewed as having more external

than internal loci of control, as they are most likely to attribute events in and around their lives to

external, in this case spiritual, causes. Comparatively, religious adherents who attribute the

events in and around their lives to their own choices and not to a deity’s guiding hand or spiritual

cause are viewed as having more of an internal loci of control. Moreover, this locus of control, as

an aspect of personality, influences an individual’s occupational choice. Thus, an individual with

a more internal locus of control is arguably more likely than one with an external persuasion to

select self-employment via entrepreneurship.

2017 | A Q U A L I T A T I V E S T U D Y

Some of Hofstede’s (1980) cultural factors, specifically the power distance index,

collectivism versus individualism, and uncertainty avoidance, are related to the concept of locus

of control and transform the individual concept to one of cultural acceptance. The society that

has incorporated a spirit of upward mobility, individualism, and selfreliance into its cultural

persona is more likely to engage in entrepreneurial activity than one which embraces status quo,

collectivism, and uncertainty avoidance. Quite similarly, when discussing how individuals deal

with their environments, Trompenaars (1998), in his work with Hampden-Turner, also identifies

the importance of locus of control as outer- or inner-directed. Outer-directed individuals feel that

they have little control over life’s outcomes while inner-directed individuals believe they are in

control of their respective destinies and are more likely to pursue their own personal goals.
Furthermore, religion, as a discrete influencer, is considered to be a primary contributor

to the shaping of societal norms. Reliance upon religious beliefs is not declining. Sherkat and

Ellison assert that in the US, “religious beliefs are remarkably salient” (1999: 365), while

Iannaccone (1998) presents anecdotal evidence of the resurgence of religious beliefs throughout

the world with the majority of growth originating from the more fundamentalist sects of the

various religions. In a lesson taken from Iannaccone (1998), this examination does not address

the validity of religious theology. Instead it seeks to assess the effects of religious influence on

national culture, enacted gender roles and the resultant cultural norms which, in turn, will

influence entrepreneurial activity.

Conceptual Framework
Family Cohesiveness
Socioeconomic Success
Self Esteem
High Academic Success
Religiosity Goal Oriented
Ability to cope with stress
Traditional Values

The figure indicates that religion has a significant role in the lives of every student most

especially college students. Although a causal relationship has not been established between

religiosity and academic success, the argument that individual and familial religiosity plays an

important role in adolescent academic success is compelling. Research asserts that the

relationship between religiosity and academic success occurs across different ethnic, cultural and

gender groups.
Furthermore, studies indicate that an inverse relationship exists between low levels of

religiosity and other social factors which tend to inhibit academic success. However, these

relationships have not been explored through in-depth oriented inquiry into the perceptions and

attitudes of students themselves. In addition, the figures above clarify that the more religious you

are, the higher the academic achievements you can earn. It also clarifies that the more you are

interested in the religious activities you had, the more the motivated you are in your academic



1. Is religion brings a positive effect to the academic achievement and performances

of every students?

2. Is religion brings a negative effect to the academic achievement and performances

of every students?

3. Is religion and education needs to be balance? Does religion need to been allotted

more time than in education? Does education needs more time than in religion?


The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the experiences, perceptions, and

attitudes of academically successful college students who are also religious regarding the

connection between religiosity and academic success. The study showcase how religion affect

the academic performance of every student. In addition, this study is to impart knowledge on

how an individual learner balance his/her religion and education. In addition, its purpose is to

present information about how religion and education is important.

Religion – an organized belief system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a

god or a group of gods.

Education – a field of study that deals with the methods and problems of teaching.

Academe – a place of instruction.

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The purpose of this chapter is to provide a selective review of the literature that relates to

the relationship between religiosity and academic success. Religiosity plays an important role in

the lives of college age students with a majority of such students perceiving themselves as

religious. Eighty percent of teenagers report a personal belief in God and as many as 55 percent

report that they attend religious services weekly (Smith, 2005). Although selected studies show

that students become less “religiously active” during their college (Lee, 2002), they often remain

committed to their religion (Bryant, Choi, & Yasuno, 2003) and actually increase in personal

spiritual conviction (Lee, 2000). The relationship between religiosity and the academic success

of students has been investigated and studied extensively. These studies indicate that religion

directly and indirectly influences a variety of factors which contribute to academic success.

Jeynes (2003) found that religiously committed urban youth performed better on most academic

measures than their less religious counterparts, even when controlling for socio-economic status

(SES), race, and gender. Markstrom (1999) concluded that “school self-esteem,” which was

defined as how students feel about themselves at school, was directly connected with higher

grades, and was associated with more frequent religious attendance, involvement in a youth

group, and involvement in a Bible study group. Johnson (1993) reported that among the most

prevalent factors relating to the academic success of undergraduate students were self-esteem,

self-concept, and individual religiosity. DeBerard, Spielmans, and Julka (2004) maintained that

the college students who presented a stressful transition for students with a multitude of social,

academic, and emotional stressors face regardless of gender, race or socioeconomic status. One

strong predictor of academic success and retention during the college year was found to be the

ability to identify with a successful subgroup of students such as student athletes or student

religious groups. Moreover, Low and Handal (1995) reported that various religion dimensions,

such as prayer, Sunday worship, Bible reading, and forgiving others of their faults were

significant predictors of various adjustment subscales in college.

In a survey of youth (age 15-20), VanDenBerghe (1994) concluded that the more

spiritually committed the youth, the more committed they were to future goals such as education

and employment. Furthermore, additional studies revealed that religious students graduated from

high school and college at higher rates than their non-religious classmates (Park, 2001). Other

studies have found that individual religiosity is associated with various factors that have also

been shown to indirectly influence academic success. One such study found that religiosity was

associated with intellectual development, creativity, and prosocial development (Thomas &

Carver, 1990). Gallup and Jones (1992) found that an increase in religious practice resulted in an

increase of overall happiness among youth; while Cheng and Furnham (2002) reported that

student happiness related with academic success. They discovered that adolescents reporting

higher levels of religious commitment worked harder and were less idle than those who reported

having low levels of religious commitment. Loury (2004) discovered a relation between church

attendance and years of schooling. Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists, Lutherans, and

Catholics averaged more years of schooling than those who did not report affiliation with a

denomination. Loury concluded that each additional week of church attendance raised schooling

by 16 years. In addition, Loury contended that church attendance increases the likelihood that

individuals will complete high school and the likelihood that they will attend college.

Conversely, other studies indicated that there are attitudes and behaviors connected with

decreased individual religiosity that contributed to low levels of academic success. For example,

low levels of individual religiosity have been shown to correlate with numerous “at risk”

behaviors, such as alcohol consumption, illicit drug use, illegal behaviors, and premarital sexual

experiences in high school and college students (Larson & Larson, 2000; Sun, 2001; King,

Vidourek & Davis, 2002). These “at risk” behaviors were directly correlated with academic

under achievement in college students. In a study of church involvement and crime rates,

Pettersson (1991) discovered an inverse relationship between religion and violent crimes, drug

abuse, property crimes, and moral offences in teenagers. Higher religiosity correlates with lower

rates of criminal and immoral behavior. Dunn (2005) discovered that high religiosity tends to act

as a “protective factor” against high-risk behaviors among adolescents, such as alcohol

consumption and drug abuse. Zaleski and Schiaffino (2000) described religious identity as a

2017 | A Q U A L I T A T I V E S T U D Y

“protective buffer against sexual risk-taking” behavior in college. Good and Willoughby (2006)

found that religiosity (defined as church attendance) was related to more positive adjustment

satisfaction in youth than was spirituality (defined as personal belief in God or a higher power),

and that individual religiosity was associated with lower levels of risk behaviors. Individual

religiosity decreases the likelihood of “at risk” behaviors (Poulson, Eppler, & Satterwhite, 1998)

and therefore directly and indirectly supports academic success.

Therefore, religiosity plays like an armor in the battle field of academic success.

Furthermore, higher attendance in the church helps every students in develop self – esteem and

self – confidence that would be very useful and very helpful in the academic track of every

college students. Bagley, Mallick, and Kanka (1997) concluded that high levels of self-esteem

were associated with religious participation regardless of the denomination with which the

student was affiliated, and high levels of self-esteem directly and positively contributed to high

academic success.



The study was conducted in Isabela State University, San Mariano Campus, Sta.

Filomena, San Mariano, Isabela. ISU, San Mariano is a public institution offering four courses

which includes Bachelor of Secondary Education with two major English and Physical Science,

Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management, Diploma in Agricultural Technology

and Bachelor in Agricultural Technology. The campus is catering an average of more than 500

students per year. Considered as one of the most stable institution in the province, ISU, San

Mariano has pursued academic excellence in its course offering by continuously raising quality

standards, upgrading facilities, updating curricula, and developing a highly professional and

dynamic teaching force and university staff.


The participants for this study were selected from the student populations of Isabela State

University, San Mariano Campus. The participants were came from the three departments – ten

respondents from the Bachelor of Secondary Education both from Science and English, another

ten respondents from the Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management and

additional ten from the Bachelor in Agricultural Technology.

Name Department Religious Affiliation GWA

Gomersindo P. Education Born Again 2.14
Michael A. Education Mormon 2.19
Roxanne D. Education Roman Catholic 2.05
Doneth G. Education Born Again 1.84
Gianne Marie N. Education Born Again 1.91
Elmida Faith B. Education Born Again 2.04
Jehnin A. Education Born Again 1.92
Josephine L. Education Born Again 1.88
Erica T. Education Born Again 1.87
Diwata S. Education Mormon 2.00
Warren Grace A. HRM Roman Catholic 2.25
Anjanette R. HRM Jehovah’s Witness 2.50
Margilyn C. HRM Born Again 2.48
Lily Jane L. HRM Roman Catholic 2.34
Anabelle A. HRM Roman Catholic 2.50
Queen N. HRM Church of Christ 2.60
Rechelle M. HRM Mormon 2.50
Jessica O. HRM Born Again 2.50
Ma. Angelica T. HRM Roman Catholic 2.40
Valen Kaye G. HRM Roman Catholic 2.25
Jose Emmanuel M. Agriculture Roman Catholic 2.25
Jordan V. Agriculture Roman Catholic 2.00
James B. Agriculture Roman Catholic 1.81
Charles E. Agriculture Iglesia ni Cristo 2.25
Edmun T. Agriculture Roman Catholic 1.97
John Art G. Agriculture Roman Catholic 2.06
Angelika B. Agriculture Born Again 2.25
Lenie Q. Agriculture Baptist 2.34
Leo M. Agriculture Church of Christ 1.85
Jermel C. Agriculture Roman Catholic 2.12
Table 1: It shows the participant’s basic information stating the course, religion and
general weighted average of the students.


The researcher used a non – random sampling technique which is a convenience

sampling technique. The participants of this research were selected because of their availability

and accessibility. This sampling technique is often used by researchers who are only given a little

time to conduct a research.

The researcher used the questionnaire below in conducting her research. This was the

questionnaire used by the participants in participating in this research.

SA – Strongly Agree (5) D – Disagree (2)

F – Fair (3)

2017 | A Q U A L I T A T I V E S T U D Y

A – Agree (4) SD – Strongly Disagree (1)

Description SA A F D SD
I am attending church regularly.
I am attending church activities regularly.
I have a lot of time in the church than in school.
I am reading the bible every day.
I am only reading my bible because it is needed.
I have developed my self – esteem and self -
confidence by attending various church
I was able to fight depression and stress by
attending church regularly.
I felt comfort and compassion whenever I
attended the church.


Description SA A F D SD
I am attending school regularly.
I am attending school activities regularly.
I have a lot of time in school than in church.
I am reading my books and notes every day.
I am only reading my books and notes just to
pass the exam and the course.
I have developed my self – esteem and self -
confidence by attending various contest held in
our school.
I was able to fight depression and stress by
attending activities conducted in our school.
I felt comfort and compassion whenever I am at
the school.


Description SA A F D SD
Does the religious activities you have attended
help you increased your academic
Does your religion affect your academic
Does your academe effect your religion?
Have you been tried to sacrifice your academe
for religious purposes.
Have you been tried to sacrifice religious
activities for academic purposes.

The researcher will use likert scale in analyzing the data gathered because it measures

and check the individuals’ level of agreement with a various statements about an attitude or

object just like the one that the researcher used in this research in which the researcher used

strongly agree, agree, fair, disagree and strongly disagree level.


Description SA A F D SD Total
I am attending church regularly. 14 7 7 2 - 30
I am attending church activities regularly. 6 9 14 1 - 30
I have a lot of time in the church than in school. 2 13 12 2 1 30
I am reading the bible every day. 1 8 19 1 - 30
I am only reading my bible because it is needed. 3 6 8 4 9 30
I have developed my self – esteem and self - 15 8 6 1 - 30
confidence by attending various church
I was able to fight depression and stress by 15 12 1 1 1 30
attending church regularly.
I felt comfort and compassion whenever I 21 7 1 1 - 30
attended the church.


Description SA A F D SD Total
I am attending school regularly. 22 7 1 - - 30
I am attending school activities regularly. 13 12 4 - 1 30
I have a lot of time in school than in church. 10 11 7 1 1 30
I am reading my books and notes every day. 1 15 11 2 1 30
I am only reading my books and notes just to 7 14 7 2 - 30
pass the exam and the course.
I have developed my self – esteem and self - 7 14 6 1 2 30
confidence by attending various contest held in
our school.
I was able to fight depression and stress by 5 15 9 - 1 30
attending activities conducted in our school.
I felt comfort and compassion whenever I am at 7 12 8 - 3 30
the school.


Description SA A F D SD Total
Does the religious activities you have attended 14 14 2 - - 30
help you increased your academic
Does your religion affect your academic 3 9 8 7 3 30
Does your academe effect your religion? 1 8 11 6 4 30
Have you been tried to sacrifice your academe 4 11 10 4 1 30
for religious purposes.
Have you been tried to sacrifice religious - 8 12 6 4 30
activities for academic purposes.
Table 2: It shows the total number of participants who chooses the level of



2017 | A Q U A L I T A T I V E S T U D Y

Description SA (5) A (4) F (3) D (2) SD (1)

I am attending church regularly. 2.33 0.93 0.70 0.13 0
I am attending church activities regularly. 1 1.2 1.4 0.07 0
I have a lot of time in the church than in school. 0.33 1.73 1.2 0.13 0.03
I am reading the bible every day. 0.17 1.07 1.9 0.07 0
I am only reading my bible because it is needed. 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.27 0.3
I have developed my self – esteem and self - 2.5 1.07 0.6 0 0.03
confidence by attending various church
I was able to fight depression and stress by 2.5 1.6 0.1 0.07 0.03
attending church regularly.
I felt comfort and compassion whenever I 3.5 0.93 0.1 0 0.03
attended the church.
Table 3: Shows the arithmetic mean of the total population





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
SA (5) A (4) F (3) D (2) SD (1)

Figure 1: Shows the comparison of the degree level in religion

As it clearly shown in Table 3 and Figure 1 that the first statement down to the second

statement’ most of the participants strongly agreed with it and none of them answered strongly

disagree. In the third to the fifth statements most of them agreed with it while on the sixth down

to the last statements outweighed the other.


Description SA (5) A (4) F (3) D (2) SD (1)

I am attending school regularly. 3.7 0.93 0.1 0 0
I am attending school activities regularly. 2.17 1.6 0.4 0 0.03
I have a lot of time in school than in church. 1.7 1.47 0.7 0.07 0.03
I am reading my books and notes every day. 0.17 2 1.1 0.13 0.03
I am only reading my books and notes just to 1.17 1.86 0.7 0.13 0
pass the exam and the course.
I have developed my self – esteem and self - 1.17 1.86 0.6 0.07 0.07
confidence by attending various contest held in
our school.
I was able to fight depression and stress by 0.83 2 0.9 0 0.03
attending activities conducted in our school.
I felt comfort and compassion whenever I am at 1.17 1.6 0.8 0 0.1

the school.
Table 4: Shows the arithmetic mean of the total population

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
SA (5) A (4) F (3) D (2) SD (1)

Figure 2: Presents the comparison of the degree level in education

As presented on the table and figure above, the highest number of participants strongly agreed

with the first and second statements. On the other hand, the remaining statements got a highest number of



Description SA (5) A (4) F (3) D (2) SD (1)

Does the religious activities you have attended 2.33 1.87 0.2 0 0
help you increased your academic achievement?
Does your religion affect your academic 0.5 1.2 0.8 0.47 0.1
Does your academe effect your religion? 0.17 1.07 1.1 0.4 0.13
Have you been tried to sacrifice your academe 0.67 1.47 1 0.27 0.03
for religious purposes.
Have you been tried to sacrifice religious 0 1.07 1.2 0.4 0.13
activities for academic purposes.
Table 5: Shows the arithmetic mean of the total population

2017 | A Q U A L I T A T I V E S T U D Y

Education & Religion


Axis Ti tl e


SA (5) A (4) F (3) D (2) SD (1)
Axis Ti tl e

Figure 3: It shows the comparison of the mean of the degree level

As the data presented in the table 5 and figure 3, the first question got the highest
number of participants who says to be strongly agree while the four remaining statements
or questions go the highest number of agreement to the participants.

1. Is religion brings a positive effect to the academic achievement and performances

of every students?

As shown on the data gathered by the researcher, most of the participants

are active in the church activities which they believed that church activities help

them in boasting their self. They also believed that church related activities help

them free from stress and depression. Being devoted to your religion helps you

increase your academic performance and it will provide student’s sense of

direction, purpose and focus in life (J.L Wood and A.A Hilton, 2012). In which the

researcher strongly agree because as the researcher herself being strongly devoted

with some church activities help you boast yourself and help you upsurge your

academic performance.

2. Is religion brings a negative effect to the academic achievement and performances

of every students?

As presented on the above table and figure, religion does not have any

negative effect to the academic achievements and performances of every students

instead it helps to have a high academic achievements and performances. As

stated by Wood and Hilton, 2012, spirituality does provide insight on how

spirituality may serve as an academic success factor for some students. This only

means that religion plays an important role to student’s academic success.

3. Is religion and education needs to be balance? Does religion need to been allotted

more time than in education? Does education needs more time than in religion?

As what the researcher noticed, most of the participants agreed that

religion is not a burden to their education and education as well to religion. In this

sense, everyone should allot a balance time in their education and their religion

because if you are being unfair in allotting time with the two then they will be

both affected in some matter. As what Richard Elms (2007) said a belief in

religion and an individual relationship with God functions as a support to students

pursuing high academic success. This perceived support also functions to sustain

students during personal challenges and trials in college.

Allotting a balance time in the religion and in education is really helpful to

everyone. Seventy – five percent (70 %) of the respondents believed that religion

or faith can give a high academic performance and achievements to every college

students, 20 % believed that religion is not really helpful in attaining high grades instead

they believed that it is up to you who make your own academic achievements and 10 % of the

respondents is uncertain as to whether religion help them to gain a high grade.


The researcher therefore conclude that religion plays a very important role to an

individual college student wherein spirituality may give a proper self-direction, purpose

and focus in life (J.Wood, 2012). Based from the studies of Herndon (2012), he

articulated 3 primary ways that students described spirituality as a support for

persistence. First, he noted that spirituality served as a resilience factor. Herndon stated

that religious activities (e.g., prayer, attending religious services, and reading scripture)

provided a method for coping with stress resulting from academic and social barriers.

Second, spirituality was identified as providing students with a ‘‘sense of purpose,

direction, and focus in life.’’34 In particular, students’ development of a sense of purpose

2017 | A Q U A L I T A T I V E S T U D Y

was connected to their academic paths and major selections, thus serving as a

motivational factor for goal internalization. Third, religious institutions with which

students’ affiliated provided them with support to persist in college via personal

encouragement. Based from that study the researcher found out for conclusions, 1.

Parental expectation, religion’s expectation, and the perceived expectation from God

promote academic success to college students; 2. Adherence to strict moral conduct codes

or behaviors promoted by religion, fosters an environment where increased focus and

attention to academic studies can thrive; less attention is paid to academic inhibitors or

distracters which have been shown to decrease academic success; 3. A belief in religion

and an individual relationship with God functions as a support to students pursuing high

academic success. This perceived support also functions to sustain students during

personal challenges and trials in college; 4. Religion can give meaning and purpose to life

allowing students to see the big picture and to put in perspective reasons behind the

“whys.” That is, there is a higher purpose for doing well academically, and that life and

school have purpose and meaning beyond the moment. These conclusions were found to

be consistent across gender with no obvious differences between the male and female

participants. Thus based from that conclusions alone, you can see how religion or

spirituality is important in achieving high academic performance. “You” should know

that it is essential to blend religion and education together because without education,

religion would not run out successfully.

Therefore, the researcher recommend “you” to become more committed and

devoted with your religion because it will help you to increase your academic

performances thus, the activities held in the church help “you” to show off your hidden

skills and talent. So, “you” starting from now you better begin to devote and commit

yourself to the Lord because there is no impossible with him just him everything.

Elms, R.T. (2007) The role of religiosity in academic success: a qualitative study.
Sharf, R.H (2000). The rhetoric experiences and the study of religion.
Wood, J.L. and Hilton, A.A. (2012). Spirituality and academic success.
Garcia, C. D. (2003). Fundamentals of research and research designing. Manila: Katha
Suatengco, R.T.(2015). A reviewer for the licensure examination for teachers: Language and
literature research. Manila: Philippine Normal University


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