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Tugas ke-2

1. Buatlah kalimat kalimat dibawah ini menjadi kalimat pasif dan kalimat tanya!
a) I always get up at 04: 00 am
( saya selalu bangun pada jam 04.00 pagi )
b) He usually goes to supermarket in the afternoons
( dia biasanya pergi ke toko serba ada di waktu sore)
c) We often do sports in gor
( kami sering berolahraga di GOR )
d) They sometimes come at home at night
( mereka kadang-kadang datang ke rumah pada malam hari )
e) You often wash in the river
( anda sering mencuci di kali )
f) My father usually watches at nigt
( ayahku biasanya nonton TV di waktu malam )

a) (-) I don’t always get up at 04:00 a.m.

(?) do you always get up at 04:00 a.m?
b) (-) he doesn’t usually goes to supermarket the afternoons.
(?) does he usually goes to supermarket the afternoons?
c) (-) we don’t often do sport in GOR.
(?) do you often do sport in GOR?
d) (-) they don’t sometime come at home at night.
(?) do they sometime come at home at night?
e) (-) you don’t often wash in the river.
(?) do ypou often wash in the river?
f) (-) my father don’t watcnes TV at night.
(?) does you father usually watchnes TV at night?

2. Buatlah 5 kalimat yang menyatakan kebenaran umum!

a) One year is twelve months
(Satu tahun ada dua belas bulan)
b) Humans have two hands
(Manusia mempunyai dua tangan)
c) Rain water falls from the sky
(air hujan turun dari langit)
d) Man walkes on foot
(manusia berjalan dengan kak)
e) The sun does not rise at night
(matahari tidak terbit di malam hari)

3. Buatlah 5 kalimat untuk mendeskripsikan seseorang atau benda, kemuadian garis

bawahi kata kerja simple present!
My sweet friend
Nuraini is my close friend, she is nineteen years 018 she is studen in economy faculty,
Halu Oleo univesity. Nuraini is beautiful, she wear a jilbab if she out from dormitory.
She is smart and like joging everydai she always cooking for me, she is kind and like
share everything to me and so do I. Her body is tall and her skin white like a chinesy I
really happy be her dose friend although she always angry to me if I am lazy but she is
sweet friend.
Kebenaran umum
1. Nuraini is beautyful girl
2. She is nineteen years old
3. She is student
4. She is student in economy faculty, Halu oleo university
5. Her body tall and her skin white

Kata kerja
1. She is like Jogging and eathing
2. But she always Care to me
3. I like share everything to her
4. She have Many activity autside faculty
5. She is like cooking
6. She wear a hijab if she out from dormitary.


NIM : S1A118067




Tugas pertama

Circle the correct form of the pronoun or possessive adjective in te following sentences.

1. I go to school with (he/him) every day.

2. I see (she/her) at the union every friday.

3. She speaks to (we/us/ourselves) every morning.

4. Isn't (she/her) a nice person?

5. (he/him) is going to New York on vacation.

6. (she/Her) and john gave the money to the boy.

7. (Yours and your) record is scratched and (my/mine) is too

8. I hurt (my/mine/the) leg.

10. (we/Us) girls are going to campion over the weekend.

11. Mr. Jones cut (hisself/himself) shaving.

12. We like (our/ours) new car very much.

13. The dog bit (she/her) on the leg.

14. John (he/himself) went to the meeting.

15. You'll stick (you/your/yourself) with the pins if you are not careful.

16. Mary and (I/me) would rather go to the movies.

17. Everyone has to do (their/his) own research.

18. Just between you and (I/me), I don't like this food.

19. Monday is a holiday for (we/us) theachers.

20. (Her/Hers) car does not go as fast as (our/ours).

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