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At First Glance

The Clifton StrengthsFinder is comprised of 34 themes. These themes emerged in Gallup’s study of successful people
over decades of research. Each theme contains several talents. These talents are natural, recurring patterns of
thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. The talents found in your Signature themes are things you do naturally-like
breathing. You can’t not do them. You actually do them without even trying.

Recognizing your talents is an important step in narrowing your career goals. Pursuing a career that incorporates your
natural talents will bring you an effortless sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

Read through the long descriptions for each of your Signature Themes. Highlight the words and/or sentences that
best describe you. Then, answer the following questions, using the text boxes provided:

What is your first reaction to these terms? What do they mean to you at this point?

Which of these strengths surprised you the most? Why?

How well do you feel your Signature Themes describe the ways in which you most naturally, think, feel, and behave as
a unique individual?

With whom will you share your results?

Activity 1.2: At First Glance

Copyright © 2008 Gallup. Inc. All rights reserved.

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