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Grade 7A ROSE

1. While waiting for the teacher, students shall keep quiet on their seats.
2. Students shall avoid shouting towards their class mate inside the classroom.
3. Students are not allowed to use their cellphone during class hours unless required by their
4. Students shall maintain a harmonious relationship with their classmates as their brothers
or sisters since their classroom is considered to be their second home.
5. Students shall comply the things required by the teacher or by the class like projects,
extra work, fines and etc.

English Class
1. The teacher prays with the students.
2. Attendance will be checked.
3. English speaking shall be observed during English class to enhance the English-speaking
skills of students and to minimize the noise they create. Students caught by the teacher
not speaking in English during English class will be given a sanction depending on how
many times the student was caught. Students may ask permission from their teacher if
they could speak in the dialect, the teacher will just allow them as long as the reason for
speaking in the dialect is valid.
4. Students must always make their assignments and projects given by the teacher.
5. No answering in chorus. If a student wants to recite, he/she just simply raise their hand.
6. Teacher will assign where a student shall sit. Transferring of seats shall be marked

Wearing of School Uniform

1. Students shall wear their school uniform for them to be acknowledged as students of
Valderrama National High School.
Monday-Wednesday (Blouse and Skirt with Shoes for girls) (Polo Shirt and Black Slacks
with Shoes for boys)
Tuesday-Thursday (White T-shirt and Skirt with Shoes) (White T-shirt and Black Slacks
with Shoes for boys)
Friday (P.E. Uniform with shoes)
2. Students who can’t wear their school uniform shall have the following consequence:
1st Warning – Will be sent to the Principal’s Office
2nd Warning – Parent/Guardian will be called
3rd Warning – Kick Out

1. Students staying outside for more than 10 minutes will be marked absent and shall secure
excuse slip.
2. Students who are absent in two subjects in the morning, they are considered absent for
the whole morning as well as if they are absent in two subjects in the afternoon, they are
considered absent for the whole afternoon.
3. Attendance is counted from the first day of classes.
4. A student who returns to class after an absence should present to his/her adviser an
excuse slip signed by his/her parent/guardian, and a medical certificate if a prolonged
absence (3 days or more) was caused by illness.
1. A student is marked late if she/he comes to class 15 minutes after the bell has rung.
2. Three tardy marks are considered as one absence from a class.

1. A student who incurs absences in a class is given warning.

3 absences = 1st Warning

5 absences = 2nd warning
7 absences = Last Warning

For the first warning, a letter is given to the student but for the 2nd and last warning, a letter is
sent to the Parent or Guardian.

Cleaning time!
1. Students will be assigned in every cleaning day.
2. Cleaners must clean every morning before the start of the Flag Ceremony.
3. Cleaners must clean every afternoon after class.
4. If any of the cleaners or students saw scattered rubbishes, be responsible of picking that
up and throw in the trash bin.
5. Every Friday, cleaners must apply floor wax. (Example: 1st Friday, Monday Cleaners will
apply floor wax, and next Friday, Tuesday cleaners will apply floor wax and so on and so
forth.) Cleaners who will fail to do this will be sanctioned to bring 1 Walis Paypay for the
whole members.
6. Students not cleaning will have a sanction. (1box white floor wax)
7. One student will be assigned to check if every member of the cleaners has done their part
every day.

Additional: Always greet teachers. If they are alone say, “Good morning/Good
afternoon/Good noon/Good evening Ma’am /Sir!”. If they are with someone say, “Good
morning/Good afternoon/Good noon/Good evening everyone!” Apply the “MAGALANG


Class Adviser

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