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Micromotors are very small particles (measured in microns) that can move

themselves. The term is often used interchangeably with "nanomotor," despite the
implicit size difference. These micromotors actually propel themselves in a
specific direction autonomously when placed in a chemical solution. There are many
different micromotor types operating under a host of mechanisms. Easily the most
important examples are biological motors such as bacteria and any other self-
propelled cells. Synthetically, researchers have exploited oxidation-reduction
reactions to produce chemical gradients, local fluid flows, or streams of bubbles
that then propel these micromotors through chemical media.

Micromotors may have applications in medicine since they have been shown to be able
to deliver materials to living cells within an organism. They also have been shown
to be effective in degrading certain chemical and biological warfare agents.

1 Janus Motor Propulsion
1.1 Nano particle Implementation
2 Applications
3 Photocatalytic Degradation of Biological and Chemical Warfare Agents
3.1 Photocatalytic Degradation Mechanism
4 References
Janus Motor Propulsion
Janus sphere micromotors usually consist of a titanium dioxide surface layer and a
strong reducing agent inner layer. The interaction of the two layer under
irradiation of UV light produces bubbles as a result of a reduction reaction.
Micromotors usually have a size of about 30�m with a small 2�m opening on the outer
layer. This leads to the exposure of the inner core, which is typically the fuel
source for the propulsion mechanism. The diameter of the hole controls the rate and
speed of the reaction.[1]

Nano particle Implementation

Nano particle incorporation into micromotors has been recently studied and observed
further. Specifically, gold nanoparticles have been introduced to the traditional
titanium dioxide outer layer of most micromotors.[1] The size of these gold
nanoparticles typically is distributed from anywhere around 3 nm to 30 nm.[2] Since
these gold nanoparticles are layered on top of the inner core (usually a reducing
agent, such as magnesium), there is enhanced macrogalvanic corrosion observed.[3]
Technically, this is where the cathode and anode are in contact with each other,
creating a circuit. The cathode, as a result of the circuit, is corroded. The
depletion of this inner core leads to the reduction of the chemical environment as
a fuel source. For example, in a TiO2/Au/Mg micromotor in a seawater environment,
the magnesium inner core would experience corrosion and reduce water to begin a
chain of reactions that results in hydrogen gas as a fuel source. The reduction
reaction is as follows: {\displaystyle Mg+2H_{2}O\to Mg(OH)_{2}+H_{2}}
{\displaystyle Mg+2H_{2}O\to Mg(OH)_{2}+H_{2}}[1]

Researchers hope that micromotors will be used in medicine to deliver medication
and do other precise small-scale interventions. A study has shown that micromotors
could deliver gold particles to the stomach layer of living mice.[4]

Photocatalytic Degradation of Biological and Chemical Warfare Agents

Micromotors are capable of photocatalytic degradation with the appropriate
composition. Specifically, micromotors with a titanium dioxide/gold nanoparticle
outer layer and magnesium inner core are currently being examined and studied for
their degradation efficacy against chemical and biological warfare agents (CBWA).
These new TiO2/Au/Mg micromotors produce no reagents or toxic byproducts from the
propulsion and degradation mechanisms. However, they are very effective against
CBWAs and present a complete and rapid degradation of certain CBWAs. There has been
recent research of TiO2/Au/Mg micromotors and their use and degradation efficacy
against biological warfare agents, such as Bacillus anthracis, and chemical warfare
agents, such as organaphosphate nerve agents- a class of acetylcholinesterase
inhibitors. Therefore, application of these micromotors is a possibility for
defense and environmental applications.

Photocatalytic Degradation Mechanism

These new micromotors are composed of a photoactive titanium dioxide outer/surface
layer that has gold nanoparticles as well. Under UV irradiation, the adsorbed water
produces strongly oxidizing hydroxyl radicals. Also, adsorbed molecular O2 reacts
with electrons producing superoxide anions. Those superoxide anions also produce to
the production of peroxide radicals, hydroxyl radicals, and hydroxyl anions.
Transformation into carbon dioxide and water, otherwise known as mineralization, of
CWAs has been observed as a result of the radicals and anions. Also, the gold
nanoparticles effectively shift the Fermi level of titanium dioxide, enhancing the
distribution of the electron charge. Therefore, the lifetime of the radicals and
anions is extended, so the implementation of gold nanoparticles has greatly
improved photocatalytic efficiency.

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