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While writing this essay for my service learning project I had face many

challenges, using transition words, and writing my conclusion. I find it difficult to come
up with different types of ways to say the same word, so basically coming up with
synonyms. I also really struggled with writing my conclusion. I do not have a lot of
experience, I Was never really thought how to successfully write one, but I have been
given steps. To solve these challenges, I had gotten feedback of my rough draft and I
used that feedback to edit my essay, so that definitely helped a lot. I feel like when I was
doing my revisions, they helped me a lot, and I feel like I become a better writer, since I
got to fix my own mistakes, and I definitely felt more confident in my final draft.
A thesis and conclusion are two completely different things, a conclusion, is the
end/ finish of your writing piece, and a thesis is something that is put in the begging of
you writing piece, to tell the reader what you are going to talk about. I personally feel
like it was difficult connecting the claim of the essay to the conclusion, because I did
not know how to end on a positive note since my topic is very tragic and depressing.

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