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How to use TLS1.

2 to connect to SQL server

1. Make sure that remote SQL Server (or SQL Express) used by the Administration
Server is a really 64-bit application (sqlservr.exe is a 64-bit process)
2. At the computer with Administration Server installed do following
1. install MSOLEDBSQL provider and reboot the computer if required
2. either define global environment variable KLDBADO_UseMSOLEDBSQL=1or
set Administration Server flag KLDBADO_UseMSOLEDBSQL=1

klscflag.exe syntax

klscflag.exe -fset -pv klserver -n KLDBADO_UseMSOLEDBSQL -v 1 -t


3. Install
1. Patch Patch A for KSC10SP3
2. Patch PF10SP2MR1b_2 for KSC10SP2MR1
3. KSC11 supports this soultion out-of-the-box
4. reboot the computer if required
3. Make sure that Administration Console successfully connects Administration Server and
Kaspersky Event Log at the Administration Server computer does not contain errors like
'Generic db error: "11526 '{42000} The metadata could not be determined'

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