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Before writing the Romeo and Juliet paper, I wasn't really mentally prepared
because I haven't written a 5 paragraph essay since 8th grade so it has been a while,
plus the last essay I wrote was an argumentative essay, so I had to remember how to
write a constitutional essay. In the end of writing my essay, I felt pretty happy with it, I
felt accomplished. Even though it probably was not my best, I still feel like I did good. I
definitely feel like I have improved as a writer.
Two challenges that I faced when writing me essay was, one, writing my textual
evidence explanation. Even though finding the evidence to match my thesis was pretty
easy, I still struggled with writing my evidence explanation because it was hard for me to
go deeper and deeper into a topic. Another challenge that I had while writing my essay
was trying to connect my evidence explanation to my thesis, this was hard for me
because I struggled with connecting the reason that no one can escape fate to my
evidence because you had to dig deep into it in order to correctly explain it.

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