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Ayman Abuawad

1. What did you learn about writing and about yourself as a writer
through writing this piece?

Well because of this paper I was able to branch out of the standard essay format
and write as freely as I want. I had the opportunity to express my voice and
opinion and not have to worry about “text evidence” or and explanation.

2. What is one thing you want readers to particularly notice when they
look at this piece?

The one thing that stands out right away about this so called essay is the format
of this piece of writing. The way we were able to write was refreshing because
throughout all of high school we’ve had to write essays in the standard 5
paragraph format.

3. What would you change if you had the chance to do this piece all
over again?

If I could change anything about the piece of writing I would change the amount of
writing I put into this. Although yes I did voice my opinion and gave my stance, I didn’t
say everything I wanted to about the topic.

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