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​What Is worthy of my writing

If you are texting someone you love that is something important then you text them with
detail and you make sure that it does not sound rude or harsh you want them to know you mean
a lot. And every day when I text my mom and my dad I always text them with a lot of meaning
even after we fight or have an argument because I don't know what will happen one minute from
the next so type I love you. This is what makes a text worth writing. There are some things that
make a text not worth writing such as something having to do with school unless you love or
even like the subject so for example if I were to have to write a paper about a book did not like
then I would not do so well on the paper would. I wouldn't have done the right because to me
that is a paper not worth writing to me and probably a lot of people to.

Another example of a text worth writing is something you love like I love certain topics in
school, for example, I love to write about certain subjects that have to do with school such as
some topics on history in history I love to write about wars. Another topic I like is sometimes
English because if we are writing about subjects I like then I will probably type three Another
example of a text worth writing is something you love like I love certain topics in school, for
example, I love to write about certain subjects that have to do with school such as some topics
on history in history I love to write about wars. Another topic I like is sometimes English because
if we are writing about subjects I like then I will probably type three pages because it intrigues
me and make me so where I am interested and it intrigues me and makes me so where I am
interested in writing the paper.

Another example of a text not worthy of me not writing is about myself I don't like telling
people about me so my therapist usually asks me to write down what your feeling but I don't like
to write I hate writing to me I prefer art and acting and dancing. To me writing is like reading
books I don't like or something I have to do when I write I have to be in the mood to write if I do
not then forget it, my paper will not make any sense to anyone including me. I don't even like to
do free writes because one I know if I don't want to write it wouldn't be any good. Two I don't
want someone to read my quick write and ask “what am I reading” or even saying “this makes
no sense” which would make me feel awful because no one would understand all the hard work
and time I put into my quick writes

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