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A dolphin’s tail

A dolphin’s tail in the United States some fisher man found the baby dolphin in a crab trap. A
rope form the trap were wrap very tightly around her tail. They took her to an aquarium the
workers there try to help sadly her tail was too damaged and it fell off however a little dolphin
can continue to grow strong. The worker that an aquarium name her Winter even though she had
no tail Winter still learn how to swim dolphin usually swim by moving there’s tails up and down

Winter use her… and move her body side to side it worked but the scientist… the aquarium were
worry Winter…swimming mine give her back problem in the future. A doctor name Calvin
Carol hear about Winter’s story on the radio. Doctor Carol help people who have lost part of
them body like hands or legs. He give them…that look or act like a real hand or leg doctor Carol
call the aquarium and…he could help after examining Winter the doctor and his team
created…for her. It was made from some kind of wrapper there was some problem how did it
stay on also these… fishes tail could made her skin… The team have decided to use a big…
made of… … is a soft material that it often found in…sea and. The tail… start the tail from
sliding off it also have to protect Winter’s skin. Now she can wave the…tail all day and stay
comfortable Winter is now a happy…thousands of visitor come to see her aquarium every year.
However the happy story doesn’t …doctor Carol realize that the…ideal could help people was
well. The…body part much more comfortable to uses.

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