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Unit 11: A seed bank

A seed bank, when people want to protect valuable things like money they put them in a bank.
Plants is very valuable to us we need them for food and they help make the air we breathe like
people and animals plants can get the diseases. The diseases can quickly kill many plants.
Scientists worry that some plant can disappear from the earth. They want to keep plant save for
the future, how do you save the plant by putting a seed in a bank there are many small seed
banks around the world however they can be easily damage for example seed bank in… were
destroy during war. In the Philippines a seed bank were damage by a strong typhoon. Scientists
wanted to build global seed bank that everyone could uses it have to be in a place, where a seed
were not effecting by things like war or bad storms. It would hold extra seeds from the other
banks, this way if small bank were destroy some seed would still be save after many years of
searching scientists found the… for a bank. It were built on a small mountain on a… island. The
main room of the seed bank located in 120 meters inside the mountain. It is connected in the
outside by along… The…is protected by huge doors… they are over 1 meters thick the side were
chosen because they are very few earthquakes that can damage the bank. The island is very far
the north and it covered with snow most of the year it like a big…seed last much longer in cool
temperature. The bank open in February, 26, 2008 seed stand is have receive over 400.000
sample. The bank were design to hold 45 million seed. Scientists hope that one day the bank
were hold seed from every plant in the world.

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