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4-Tatiana Molina

Period 1

Hole in my life
In the book hole in my life by jack ganto, the author believes that choices is a big part in life
because people sometimes make choices that have a big impact in their life. One bad choice
gantos made was when he was smoking while driving, Another bad choice was when he was
drinking with his friend Will and the next morning he went home and barfed everywhere.
Throughout the story gantos brings the thematic statement to light through his specific use of
the tone over the course of the text. In the text it says when gantos was driving he took a hit
after another “i took a puff, then another. After a few minutes i fell silent and all my thoughts
seemed big. (Gantos P 34). Gantos said “i took a puff, then another” This quote relates to the
thematic statement because the word choice gantos used was a puff then another.

Another evidence for gantos making bad choices was when he went out drinking with his friend
will and came home and barfed everywhere, This lead to gantos getting kicked out of the Bacon
Family's house.“After one especially robust night of drinking with Will, I stumbled home, crawled
up the sidewalk, stabbed my key in the front door, let myself in, and and power barfed all over
the livin room.” (Gantos p 14). This quote relates to tone because it shows that gantos made the
choice to get drunk which lead him to throwing up. This quote relates back to the thematic
statement because it shows that showed how gatos made a choice to get drunk, by him getting
lead him to doing bad things.The author believes that choices is a big part in life because
people lives are impacted by the choices they make gantos delops choices in the text by
explained how he was drinking and smoking. Gantos shows the significance of choice
throughout the story by showing the choices he made lead him to where he is in life. This
relates to everyday life because are caught drinking and driving.

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