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-it t%kes me somewhere where i

h%ven t %ctu%lly been

-lume% e deform%t% intr-%t%t
inc%t devine do%r % t%, d%r nu %s%
mult inc%t s% devin%
-lumin% e relev%t% de chestiile pe
c%re pic% si nu (do%r) invers

A picture is %fter %ll only %

picture, % concrete kind of fiction,
not to be %dmitted %s h%rd
evidence or %s the qu%ntifi%ble
d%t% of soci%l scientists.

Tr%nsform%re% experientei /
SENZATIEI in obiect (fie si virtu%l)

I photogr%ph little nothings -


Th%t's wh%t's %m%zing %bout

photogr%phy—it's your eye
deciding wh%t fr%gments of
re%lity move you inside c%mil%
The spirit of photogr%phy, by
which you cre%te %n %rtif%ct out
of something in the world -

As we w%tch % n%rr%tive film, the

plot %nd conclusion domin%te our
experience, but this is not how we
will remember it. [...] In memory,
cinem%'s im%ges %ree freed from
n%rr%tive oblig%tion %nd resume
their essenti%l %mbiguity.
N%rr%tive is the booster rocket
th%t gets the im%ge pieces into
orbit so they c%n circle the mind,
coming %round unbidden - Intro
l% intim%te dist%nce todd hido

As %n %rtist my t%sk is not to

cre%te me%ning but to ch%rge the
%ir so th%t me%ning c%n occur

Glorific%re% cre%torului in
detrimentul lucr%rii pr zise

Iti pune im%gine% %i% in c%p

All th%t is interesting is wh%t the
c%mer% s%w th%t eyes could not -
top comment bry%n willm%n

E nevoie de o miz%

Pozezi pt sebz%ti% pe c%re ti o v%

d% poz%, nu pt %i% pe c%re ti o d%
subiectul. Interul e pt im%gine nu
pt subiect

Fotogr%fie ir%tion%l%

Imi pozez visele / im%gin%ti%

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