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I would consider Lemonade Stand to be an economics game, I

would consider it to be a very light economic game. Basically,
in Lemonade Stand you need to try and judge demand each
day while also providing enough supply to meet your demand.
You need to figure out how much to invest in inventory in order
to maximize your profit. You don’t want to spend too much
that you end up losing money but if you don’t spend
money you won’t make any money either. I found loss when
I put more ices in a cup during overcast weather than sunny
weather. Pricing strategies is also a major factor of revenue.
High prices in an overcast weather led to less sales of cup and
High prices in a sunny weather led to large number of sales. Ice
should also be taken into consideration as depend on weather
as it melts daily led to loss in an inventory.
But, the most unique element of Lemonade Stand is the
weather mechanic. Basically, the players are given a weather
forecast which gives the odds of various types of weather. By
looking at the weather forecasts players can see the likelihood
of each type of weather. Players use this information to
determine how they want to approach the next day. Players
never know exactly what the weather is going to be though
since the next weather will determine what the actual results
are for the day.
The weather mechanic is the real driving force behind the
game. While the game has some light economic mechanics,
the weather mechanics drive your success or failure in the
game. The player that is best at predicting the weather will win
the game as they will be able to charge higher prices and be
able to sell more Cups.

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