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Laura Smith


Yes, Shakespeare is still relevant in schools.

My first supporting idea was that one time back in like 6th grade, I was in a trio of friends
and my friend and I were closer to each other than the other. The one I was close to told
me some things that my other friend did not know. I felt bad that the one didn’t know and
I wanted to tell her but my friend who told me said not too. I did find out that she knew
some things I didn’t know and I finally knew how she probably felt when she found out
that she didn't know what we knew. Overall I was actually sad about it. So than, we all
talked it out and said to not do it again considering it was unfair. But later on it happened
again to me and it made our relationship fall because my one friend I was close with
talked behind my back to our other friend. So we stopped being friends and my one
friend who I wasn't as close with moved away. The friend who talked behind my back
actually goes to this school but I don't hold grudges even though she did this plenty of
times. This supports my claim because Shakespeare has a lot of secrets from other
people in his books.
Another supporting idea is that a few of my friends would get 4.0 gpa awards and
i'd be happy for them, but on the other hand I want to get it too. I know I can its just I
don't work my hardest so I do not blame anyone but myself. I know I can do better if I
chose too. So I never envy anyone who gets what I want because I know if I try I could
get it too. I do good in school and I could do better if I focused more and did my
homework. I'm glad I never resented anyone or envy them for the good they have done
cause to me that isn't a very good person. I feel you should be happy for your peers even
if you dont know them well or just don't get along, don't let problems interfere with good
things happening. This supports my claim because Shakespeare adds a lot of jealousy
and envy in his books to show some time of tragedy.
My last supporting idea is that a reputation is something that is held to identify
who you are socially and mentally. In school you want to have a good reputation so
colleges can view you or even towards peers so people can look up to you or go to you. I
don't really have a reputation in my eyes, but to people im a smart girl that tries hard in
class. It's not that i try hard it's that i actually do my work. I never really thought about my
reputation that much because I don't really care how people view me. However, I do want
a good reputation in my school for higher classes and college. I believe your reputation
is built off of how you show yourself to people, so i do believe you can control it once,
once you show one side of you, people will hold you to that. If you're really smart and do
well, you are seen as one who always does the work or homework and get good grades.
If you always argue with the teacher or don't do what you're asked, you're always looked
at as a troublemaker until there's a permanent change. People should care for their
reputation because it is important on how your viewed towards people, you would want
to be seen as a smart, friendly person who knows right from wrong. If you're known as a
troublemaker or something not so good than people wouldn't get the chance to be heard.
I know a person who messed up in school, started to smoke weed a whole lot plus some
other things, started to wear more and more makeup, she even started to care about how
she dressed. Dont get me wrong, wearing makeup and caring for your clothes and self
isnt a bad thing. But she changed so much once she moved that I know thats not who
she is, Ive known her since 4th grade and she moved out of Chicago 3 years ago, people
change I agree but ive seen her “friends” (People who leave her literally weeks later) and
they dont seem so great. My friend was a socially awkward nerd, she was a good person,
I believe what caused her to change was the fact that she was hanging out with the
wrong crowd. This supports my claim because Shakespeare adds a lot that has to do
with reputation.

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