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Alexandra Garcia

4th period

When teens begin working at a lower age they can learn how to manage their own

money. In today's generation there are many families that struggle with their bills and don’t know

what other way they can pay it off. Some believe that when teens start working at a lower age it

can benefit not only the teenagers but their families, Others may believe that lowering the age

for working is not a good thing and can cause trouble. As I look at this more it is more

reasonable that lowering the age of working is beneficial.

One reason as to why its should be lowered is because the teens can help out with

supplies of any kind. ​In this case some can’t afford things that are needed. ​“​Parents of teens

today know how expensive it can be to have a teenager in the house: electronics, clothes,

even a car can all add up to huge bills. Some families can afford these trappings of teen life,

but not all can or want to pay for them.” In this following quote it will state the benefit of

when a teen works part time. ​“ When teens take on a part time job, they are better able to

contribute to the purchase of these fun teen expenses or completely fund them for themselves.”

On the other hand some say it will only cause trouble or just may not be a good idea. In

the following quote it says that the hours of work can have an impact on their school work and

attendance. “Although working only a few hours a week seems to have little effect on teens and

their school work, research shows that when the hours creep up to over 20 hours a week, they

are more likely to be absent from school and will have grades that are substantially lower than

peers.” In fact, some also say that this affects what their teens do afterschool like sports. “Every
hour that is spent working is an hour that a teen can’t spend studying, playing sports,

volunteering or pursuing an internship.” Clearly some parents just don’t think their teen is

capable of working and keeping up with school work.

Therefore decreasing the legal age for working is better. Evidence used clearly show

that its ok to have your teen to work because they can learn many things like how to control

their spending. Lowering the age for a teen to work should happen it can help people financially

and allow people to have extra in case of an emergency.

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