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Save a Life Prevention Program: Addressing Mental Health Among The

Inland Empire Community

Submitted By:

Brittny Bol

Nicole Celera

Valentina Chawdhury

Jennifer Diaz

Cindy Mahoney

Marwa Mohamed
• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

April 11, 2019

5500 University Parkway

San Bernardino, CA 92407

Attn: Tomas Hernandez

Re: Save a Life Letter of Intent

Dear: Mr. Hernandez

The Center for Suicide Prevention would like to express its interest in the forthcoming allocations
from U.S Department of Human and Health Services, Substance Abuse Mental Health Services
Administration, (SAMHSA) for implementation of mental health and wellness education program in
high school campuses across the Inland Empire.

This letter is to inform of our intention to submit the FY 2019 Project Aware Prevention Program to
address suicide prevention and mental health topics among youth on high school campuses in the
Inland Empire and engage parents in mental health and suicide education.

The Center for Suicide Prevention has more than 20 years in providing services to the residents of
the Inland Empire. Currently, the Center for Suicide Prevention administers several grant funded
programs including Linking Education and Awareness for Depression and Suicide (LEADS) for
youth, a school-based suicide prevention curriculum designed for high schools, Yellow Ribbon
Suicide Prevention Program, and National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI).

As you are aware, Center for Disease Control and Prevention Vital Signs has identified that since
1999 to 2016, suicide rates have increased 18%. As a nonprofit organization, we recognized our
responsibility in maintaining and improving suicide prevention among high school students and

The Center for Suicide Prevention will be responsible for administering the day-to-day fiscal and
administrative oversight and accountability of the SAMHSA, Save a Life. It is understood that the first
year of funding is reported as $250,000 with an annual on-going allocation of $250,000 for a
comprehensive total of $750,000 for 36 months. Upon submission, a SAMHSA form will provide
detailed information for review and evaluation by the first date of submission acceptance, June 15,
2019, or within the noted time frame for submission.

We are currently interested in providing these suicide prevention and mental health services to youth
and parents in the Inland Empire and would like to be kept notified of any modifications or updates
related to this funding opportunity.

Marwa Mohammed
BS, MPH (c)
Associate Director
Center for Suicide Prevention

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •


Teen Suicide is a growing epidemic, which is the second leading cause of death amongst
persons aged 15-34 years (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). The rate of teen
suicide in the Inland Empire (San Bernardino County & Riverside County) is significantly high
and has raised concern on this pressing issue across this region. This issue represents a challenge
and an opportunity, the Save a Life program is designed to provide mental health education and
suicide prevention trainings to youth ages 13 to 25. The project is vital because of its aim to
decrease suicide rates and build mental health awareness among the community. This program
will create a more effective and impactful change by not only targeting high school students, but
requiring others to be on board with the program to help address this issue and exercise positive
mental health strategies. For instance, the program’s goals is to educate parents to recognize
signs of suicidal tendencies, and there is also a focus on diminishing the stigma of seeking help
when experiencing suicidal ideation. The program’s ultimate goals are to increase awareness of
teen suicide within the Inland Empire by June 2022 and to educate on suicide prevention and
mental health topics among youth, parents, and faculty, and increase mental health awareness in
the Inland Empire, while also providing referral services for students who are suffering mentally.
The main objectives of the Save a Life program is to provide 1,000 high school students and 500
parents in the Inland Empire region with a three- hour suicide prevention education training by
the end of year three. The program will also provide five one-hour educational trainings such as
cultural competency, anxiety, and depression overview, and social media effects on mental
health for 1,000 high school students within the inland empire. It will also serve 1,000 high
school students with case management and referral services by collaborating with community
organizations. In addition, it will establish a National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) club on
high school campuses for students to advocate and end the stigma on mental health by
conducting three outreach events on campus.

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •


Abstract ........................................................................................................................................Page 2

Specific Aims……….…………………………………………………………………………...Page 4

•Needs/Problems...............................................................................................................Page 4

•Working Hypothesis........................................................................................................Page 5

•Literature Review.............................................................................................................Page 5

•General Plan.....................................................................................................................Page 6

Target Population........................................................................................................................Page 7

Approaches and Methods............................................................................................................Page 8

•Project Goals....................................................................................................................Page 8

•Project Objectives............................................................................................................Page 9

•Activities Timeline.........................................................................................................Page 10

Program Evaluation Plan .........................................................................................................Page 13

Agency Capacity and Project Management............................................................................Page 14

Budget and Budget Justification..............................................................................................Page 15

• Budget...........................................................................................................................Page 15

• Budget Justification......................................................................................................Page 17

Community Support..................................................................................................................Page 21

Appendix……………………....……………………………………………………………….Page 23

• Community Support Letters…....……………………………………………………..Page 23

• Logic Model…..………………………………………………………………………Page 26

• References…………………………………………………………………………….Page 27

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •


Teen Suicide is a growing epidemic, which is the second leading cause of death among

persons aged 15-34 years (CDC, 2015). In the state of California suicide rates among youth is

7.9 per 100,000 youth (Kids Data, 2019). The lack of mental health awareness and education

present an important public health issue that is linked to high rates of teen suicide, depression,

and anxiety among the youth. Adolescents experience tremendous changes in this phase of their

life whether it is physical, emotional or psychological (Litt & Stock, 2011). There are various

factors that influence a majority of teens’ life choices including social media, peers, and living

conditions at home. During adolescence, teens are particularly more concerned about how others

perceive them, which can cause them to believe they are being judged and possibly ridiculed if

they do not feel socially accepted (Wisdom, Clarke, & Green, 2006). Many teens may become

overwhelmed with social pressures, changes, lack of support, and life in general, leading them to

have a negative mindset, which can cause them to have suicidal ideation, depression, and


According to the Data Summary Sheet on Suicide Deaths in San Bernardino County, in

the year 2009, approximately 34,892 committed suicide between the ages of 15-24 (Kids Data,

2019). The county has a population of 2,136,425, with a suicide rate of 11.1% (Kids Data, 2019).

The state of California has a population of 38,688,293, with a suicide rate of 9.7% (CDPH,

2018). This indicates that suicide in San Bernardino County is much more prevalent when

compared to suicide in the state of California. In 2013, there were 238 recorded suicides, a rate

of 10.5 suicides per 100,000, which is similar to California overall (CDPH, 2018). Addressing

mental health education and suicide prevention trainings can create a positive and safe

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

environment by restoring hope and reconnecting them with community resources. It is

significant to provide youth and parent suicide prevention training, mental health education, and

building awareness on mental health on high school campuses in the Inland Empire.

Working Hypothesis

Providing mental health education and suicide prevention trainings such as Safe TALK

and Question, Persuade and Refer training to high school students within the Inland Empire (San

Bernardino County & Riverside County) will decrease suicide rates among youth and build

mental health awareness among youth, parents, and teachers.

Literature Review

Teen suicide is a major concern within the public health realm. Each year, approximately

one million individuals commit suicide worldwide (WHO, 2019). Among 10-24 year olds,

suicide is the third leading cause of death in the United States (Kim & Dickstein, 2013).

Globally, suicide is the second leading cause of death among 10-19 years of age (WHO, 2019).

High school students are more susceptible than others to engage in self-harm behavior and 17%

of high school students in the United States have seriously considered committing suicide

(Memon et al, 2018). Depression is a factor associated with teen suicide (Epstein et al., 2019).

Additionally, other factors for suicidal ideation and self-harm behavior among teenagers, include

mental health, substance abuse, environmental and family factors (Epstein et al., 2019). In the

Inland Empire, the number of suicides per 100,000 youth ages 15-24 years were 7.5 in Riverside

County and 7.4 in San Bernardino County. (Kids Data, 2019).

According to this data, addressing suicide prevention among this population is an

important issue within the Inland Empire. Assembly Bill 2246 by O’Donnell, is a pupil suicide

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

prevention policy implemented in California. This bill mandates a pupil suicide prevention

program among grades 7 to 12 and will specifically address the needs of high-risk groups (Youth

Suicide Prevention, 2018). A series of recent studies has indicated that those who attempt suicide

are twice as likely to be depressed, compared to those who have not attempted suicide (Teens

everywhere share risk factors for suicide, 1996). Therefore, encouraging conversation on mental

health awareness and coping mechanism among teens is of utmost importance. This project will

advance knowledge in the field by providing a platform for teen suicide prevention where data

may be collected and used for further research.

General Program Plan

The Save a Life program aims to provide mental health education and suicide prevention

to high school students within the Inland Empire. The program will decrease suicide rates and

build mental health awareness among parents, teachers, and youth. Our program is staffed with

five employees including a Program Manager, Mental Health Specialist, Outreach Specialist,

Office Administrator, and a Program Evaluator. The knowledge and skills brought forth from

this team include a degree in the related field and a minimum of 3 years of experience. Our staff

continues their education through mental health trainings provided through the county and other

agencies. Our mental health specialist will conduct case management and offer referral services

for the students or any community members in need. Our program will extend services to parents

as well as teachers and staff. Save a Life Program will educate on coping mechanisms, anxiety,

depression, and suicide prevention to the students. For the parents, teachers and staff we are

offering a suicide prevention training so they are able to recognize the signs and symptoms of

suicidal ideation. We will also host on campus events, such as Mental Health Awareness month

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

in May to break stigma and increase mental health awareness. The Save a Life Program will

target low-income schools in the Inland Empire and serve the selected campuses for a total of

three years of the duration of the grant. Overall, the goal of our program is to increase mental

health awareness and decrease suicide rates in the Inland Empire community.

Target Population

Our target population include high school students, parents of students, faculty, and staff

who reside in the Inland Empire region. The Inland Empire region geographically consists of

Riverside County and San Bernardino County cities. Therefore, by targeting local Inland Empire

high schools within the region, the goal to target high school students and other support systems

would help to connect students to community support systems. The intent of the program is to

have as many individuals involved as possible in order to create a more efficient, effective, and

impactful program. According to the Riverside County Department of Public Health, suicide

attempts for ages 12-17 have been a leading cause of reported non-fatal injuries for Riverside

County for six years in a row (2010). Data shows that there is a need for intervention programs

aimed specifically towards high school students within the demographic region.

As the suicide attempts became a major concern and portrayed an obvious need for a

specific program implementation for youth and region, in the same year in 2010, the County of

Riverside implemented a Teen Suicide Awareness and Prevention Program for middle schools

and high schools, as well as parent educational presentations. The prevention program was an

example of ongoing efforts in involving parents to recognize suicide signs and learning to create

conversations based around this area of topic. Assembly Bill 2246 will be implemented within

the 2017-2018 school year that will allow programs aimed for suicide prevention through

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

prevention, intervention, and postvention (2018). The policy will assist in addressing high-risk

groups in including consideration of suicide awareness and prevention training for teachers


Since young adults tend to spend a large amount of their time within the walls of the high

school, it is crucial to involve teachers, and other staff members in providing mental health

education and suicide prevention within the Inland Empire. The Save a Life Awareness Program

will bring awareness and provide effective tools, mental health education, risk factors on mental

health, warning signs, and other useful information to our targeted population. Students can be

required to complete two trainings which will include an ending stigma training along with a

suicide prevention training in all the high schools in the Inland Empire. The goal is to have

professionals from San Bernardino and Riverside County conduct each of these training with

psychology teachers, so then we can have psychology teachers who will be in charge of this

requirement conduct these trainings in a classroom setting. All will be possible through funding

and partnership with community public health liaisons.

Approaches and Methods

Project goal(s)

Goal 1: Increase awareness of teen suicide within the Inland Empire by June 2022.

Goal 2: Improve Save a Life Program’s efforts to educate on suicide prevention and mental

health topics among youth, parents, and faculty.

Goal 3: Conduct case management and offering referral services for the students who may suffer

from suicidal ideation or any mental health problems.

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

Goal 4: Increase mental health awareness in the Inland Empire region within high school

campuses among youth, faculty, and parents.

Project objective(s)

Objective 1: By the end of year three, the Save a Life Program will provide 1,000 high school

students and 500 parents in the Inland Empire region (San Bernardino County & Riverside

County) with a 3-hour suicide prevention education training and provide them with the proper

resources. This training will increase the knowledge of suicide among the youth and parents in

the Inland Empire.

Objective 2: By the end of year three, the Save a Life Program will provide 5 one-hour

educational trainings such as cultural competency, anxiety and depression overview, healthy

coping mechanisms, eating disorders overview and social media effects on mental health for

1,000 high school students within the Inland Empire region. These training will increase

knowledge on mental health and influence a positive behavior among youth in the Inland


Objective 3: By the end of year three, the Save a Life Program will provide 1,000 high school

students with case management and referral services by collaborating with community


Objective 4: By the end of year three, the Save a Life Program will establish a National Alliance

of Mental Illness (NAMI) club on high school campuses within the Inland Empire region in

collaboration with local NAMI organizations in the Inland Empire region for students to

advocate and end the stigma on mental health by conducting three outreach events on campus.

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

This outcome will increase awareness, knowledge, and influence positive attitude among youth

and staff in Inland Empire high schools.

Activities Timeline

Year 1 (July 2019-June 2020)

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Recruit (May-June 2019)
Hire X
Train X X X X
Program Development
Secure school locations X X
Develop Materials (PowerPoints,
lessons) X X
Order needed supplies for lessons X X
Engage students, staff, and parents X X X X X X X X X X
Case Management
Secure school locations X X
Develop lessons X X
Order needed supplies for lessons X X
Engage students X X X X X X X X X X
Community Outreach
Find outreach events X X X X X X X X X X X X
Promote Services (Tabling, Flyers) X X X X X X X X X X X X
Volunteer Outreach X X X X X X X X X X X X
Order incentives X X
Program Evaluation
Create surveys X
Collect surveys X X X X X X X X X X

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

Analyze Data X X X X
Write report X X

Year 2 (July 2020-June 2021)

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Recruit (May-June 2019)
Hire X
Train X X X X
Program Development
Secure school locations X X
Develop Materials (PowerPoints,
lessons) X X
Order needed supplies for lessons X X
Engage students, staff, and parents X X X X X X X X X X
Case Management
Secure school locations X X
Develop lessons X X
Order needed supplies for lessons X X
Engage students X X X X X X X X X X
Community Outreach
Find outreach events X X X X X X X X X X X X
Promote Services (Tabling, Flyers) X X X X X X X X X X X X
Volunteer Outreach X X X X X X X X X X X X
Order incentives X X
Program Evaluation
Create surveys X
Collect surveys X X X X X X X X X X

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

Analyze Data X X X X
Write report X X

Year 3 (July 2021-June 2022)

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Recruit (May-June 2019)
Hire X
Train X X X X
Program Development
Secure school locations X X
Develop Materials (PowerPoints,
lessons) X X
Order needed supplies for lessons X X
Engage students, staff, and parents X X X X X X X X X X
Case Management
Secure school locations X X
Develop lessons X X
Order needed supplies for lessons X X
Engage students X X X X X X X X X X
Community Outreach
Find outreach events X X X X X X X X X X X X
Promote Services (Tabling, Flyers) X X X X X X X X X X X X
Volunteer Outreach X X X X X X X X X X X X
Order incentives X X
Program Evaluation
Create surveys X
Collect surveys X X X X X X X X X X

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

Analyze Data X X X X
Write report X X

Program Evaluation Plan

Evaluation Plan for Evaluation Person(s) Person(s) Timeline

the Save a Life Instruments Responsible for Responsible for
Program the Collection Analysis of
of Data Data

Measure extent of a) Pre-test Mental Health Program During every

knowledge from b) Post-test Specialist/ Evaluator/ intervention and
suicide prevention Outreach Program reported bi-annually
trainings through Specialist Manager
pre- and post- tests

Program referrals Satisfaction Mental Health Program During every

for one-on-one Survey Specialist Manager intervention and
counseling services reported

Tracking attendance Sign-In Sheets Volunteers Mental Health Twice a semester

of students, teachers, Specialist/ per year
and school staff in Program
suicide awareness Manager
mandatory training.

Measure suicide Logging social Student peers/ Program Beginning of every

awareness media posts/ Mental health Evaluator/Menta semester
promotion to school logging class specialist/ l Health session/twice a year
campuses through presentation Specialist
presentations, flyers, dates and times/
and social media Inquiry on how
they heard of the
program at

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

Agency Capacity and Management

The Save a Life Program is staffed with five core employees, which include four full-

time staff comprising of a Program Manager, Mental Health Specialist, Outreach Specialist,

Office Administrator and one part-time Program Evaluator. Additionally, a great number of

volunteers and interns assist in providing services to high school campuses across the Inland

Empire. The Program Manager, Mental Health Specialist, Outreach Specialist, Office

Administrator and Program Evaluator are required to have a degree in a related-field such as

public health, management, social work, and psychology and a minimum of two years

experience to best employ strategic planning of the program and provide expertise work. Their

ongoing efforts target supporting students who are struggling with suicidal ideation, depression,

and anxiety as well as students who may know someone suffering mentally. Qualified employed

staff (Program Manager, Mental Health Specialist, Outreach Specialist, Office Administrator and

Program Evaluator) are key for the project to be successful, since they are the ones curating,

developing, and managing the program as well as transmitting expertise knowledge and

appropriate methods in order to train volunteers to provide educational services effectively about

a sensitive topic of suicide within the Inland Empire. The program provides education through

mental health trainings, case management services, prevention, and support within the Inland

Empire. The program is funded by SAMHSA and gets additional and significant funding

assistance from the community that supports Save A Life’s mission.

Save A Life, Prevention Awareness Program strives to provide mental health education

and suicide prevention to youth 13 to 25 years of age within the Inland Empire in the hopes of

decreasing suicide rates and build mental health awareness among parents, teachers, and youth.

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

More than half of Save A Life funding derives from individual contributions, fundraising, and in-

kind support. Community outreach is vital towards this program because the more investment the

community has in this program, the more compelling impact it will have on the community and

community members. Volunteers have one of the most influential roles in the Save A Life

program. This three year program is dependent on dedicated volunteers to be appropriately

trained to educate the parents, teachers, and students in the Inland Empire school district

effectively. Volunteers are trained yearly by full-time and part-time staff. The program

understands the challenges of an agency with only five core employees and the rest are non-paid

volunteers. Save A Life acknowledges the importance of the project’s employed staff and

volunteers, and how valuable the community is. These variables need to all integrate and

collaborate with each other in order to provide quality services to the participants of the program.

Budget and Budget Justification


Total Project Total Project

Personnel Cost Budget Request Year One Year Two Year Three
Program Manager $150,000 $150,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000
Outreach Specialist $120,000 $120,000 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000
Mental Health Specialist $135,000 $135,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000
Office Administrator $90,000 $90,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000
Benefits @ 10% $49,500 $49,500 $16,500 $16,500 $16,500
Consultant Fee
Program Evaluator $30,000 $30,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
Personnel Subtotal $574,500 $574,500 $191,500 $191,500 $191,500


• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

Travel – Local Private

Vehicle $3,219 $3,000 $1,073 $1,073 $1,073
Travel – Transportation,
Airfare $2,820 $2,500 $940 $940 $940
Travel – Per
Diem/Subsistence $1,200 $1,200 $400 $400 $400
Travel Subtotal $7,239 $6,700 $2,413 $2,413 $2,413

Consumable Supplies
and Materials

General Office Supplies $5,400 $5,400 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800

Archival Materials $1,100 $1,100 $1,100 - -
Miscellaneous $900 $900 $300 $300 $300
Consumable Supplies
and Materials Subtotal $7,400 $7,400 $3,200 $2,100 $2,100

Communication $3,600 $3,600 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200
Equipment $7,300 $7,000 $7,300 - -
Printing Services $3,600 $3,500 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200
Postage $4,500 $4,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500
Facilities Cost $46,800 $46,800 $15,600 $15,600 $15,600
Staff Training $6,000 $6,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000
Services Subtotal $71,800 $71,400 $28,800 $21,500 $21,500

In-kind Expense $3,000 $3,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Depreciation $6,000 $6,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000
Other Costs $15,000 $15,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Indirect costs @ 10%
max $66,000 $66,000 $22,000 $22,000 $22,000
Other Costs $90,000 $90,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

Total Costs $750,939 $750,000 $255,913 $247,513 $247,513

Budget Justification


1. Salaries Request Leverage

Program Manager $150,000 $0

Program Manager: This position will act as the program manager and will carry out the
following functions: Work with team/staff, volunteers, and interns to plan and delegate the
implementation of program services. Incumbent will also be responsible for supervising staff
members, budgets, and procedures to ensure the implementation and evaluation of programs.
Annual salary = $50,000 x 3 years = $150,000

Mental Health Specialist $ 135,000 $0

Mental Health Specialist: This position will act as a mental health specialist and will carry out
the following functions: Provide case management services by meeting individually with clients
to conduct intake and other appointments as necessary. The incumbent will also be responsible
for providing clients with service referrals. Annual salary: $45,000 x 3 years =$135,000

Outreach Specialist $120,000 $0

Outreach Specialist: This position will act as an outreach specialist and will carry out the
following functions: Promote community wellness such as mental health, addressing public
health concerns, attracting outreach support, assessing program efficacy, reporting to
supervisors, and plan community outreach and advocacy efforts. Annual salary: $40,000 x 3
years= $120,000

Office Administrator $90,000 $0

Office Administrator: This position will act as an office administrator and will carry out the
following functions: Answering telephones and greeting visitors, and performing other clerical
duties as assigned. Also, provide direct support to all staff, including: scheduling

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

appointments/meetings, handling and managing files, and assist in the preparation of community
events. Annual salary: $30,000 x 3 years= $90,000

2. Fringe Benefits $46,500 $0

Fringe benefits are calculated at 10% of salaries. Benefits include health insurance, dental,
and vision coverage. Fringe benefits were calculated at 10% of the staff salaries:
Program Manager 10% x $150,000.00= $15,000
5,000 per year
Mental Health Specialist 10% x $135,000= $13,500
4,500 per year
Outreach Specialist 10% x $120,000= $12,000
4,000 per year
Office Administrator 10% of $90,000.00= $9,000
3,000 per year

3. Consultant Fees $30,000 $0

Program Evaluator $30,000 $0

Program Evaluator: This position will act as a Program Evaluator and will carry out the
following functions: Responsible for analyzing survey results and reporting them to the program
manager. Annual Salary: $10,000 x 3 years= $30,000

4. (a) Travel – Local Private Vehicle $ 3,219 $0

The mileage reimbursable rate is $0.58 per mile.

Program Manager: 500 miles x $0.58 per mile = $290 x 3 years = $870
Mental Health Specialist: 600 miles x $0.58 per mile = $348 x 3 years = $1,044
Outreach Specialist: 600 miles x $0.58 per mile = $348 x 3 years = $1,044
Office Administrator: 150 miles x $0.58 per mile = $87 x 3 years = $261

(b) Travel – Transportation, Airfare $2,820 $0

Staff will attend one training per year that requires airfare at a cost of
Flight $160 per person (3) $480 x 3 years = $1,440
Hotel for two nights at $120/night for 3 rooms = $360 x 3 years $1,080

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

Transportation Lyft/Uber $100 x 3 years =$300

(c) Travel – Per Diem/Subsistence $1,200 $0

Most trainings will be free of cost through the county and partnering agencies. Once a year they
will attend a Health and Wellness Conference with a fee of $300 per staff x 3 staff = $900 x 3
years = $1,200

5. Consumable Supplies and Materials Request Match

General Office Supplies $5,400 $0

Office supplies such as: paper, pens, file folders, envelopes, toner, and other miscellaneous needs.
$150 per month x 12 months = $1,800 x 3 years = $5,400

Archival Materials $1,100 $0

We will purchase lockage storage units to store our patient files that holds confidential information.
Under desk lockable cabinet: $275 x 4 per staff = $1,100

Miscellaneous $900

6. Services $ 65,800 $0

Communications $3,600 $0

Work phones - Verizon $50/month for 4 lines. $50 x 12 = $600. $600 x 3 = $1,800
Internet- $55/month x 12 months=$600 x 3 years= $1,800

Equipment $7,300 $0

Multifunction printer- $3,500

Laptops-$600 x 4= $2400
Microsoft Office Bundle $300
Projector- $400 x 2= $800
Computer/cable cords= $300

Printing Services $3,600 $0

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

Printing costs for copy machine and printer (toner, printer cartridges) are budgeted at $100 a
month. Educational materials, paperwork, documents, questionnaires will be printed in-house.
$100 x 12 = $1,200 x 3 = $3,600.

Postage $4,500 $0

Mail-outs will be sent out via USPS to households that have a student enrolled in the Inland Empire
high school district. During the first year, the postage is budgeted at $1,500 per year. $1,500 x 3
= $4,500

Facilities Cost $46,800 $0

Office Workspace Rental = $1,300/month with basic utilities included (wireless internet, gas,
water, and electric) . $1,300 x 12 = $15,600. $15,600 x 3 years = $46,800

To rent out a facility through a local City government, it is currently $15 per hour for non-profit
organization. For yearly trainings (3 total) for volunteers, an estimation of a total of 6 hours per
year (and a overall total of 18 hours for entire program).

Facility Security Deposit = $200

Application Fee = $10
Hourly Fee = 15/hour for 6 hours = $90
Total = $300 per year

$300 x 3 = $900 for entire program dedicated for facility rentals for trainings

Staff Training $2,000 $0

Money allocated for trainings that have a fee.

Request Match

7. Other Costs $5,000 $0

Other cost will be used for unforeseen expenses for travel, training, room fees, or materials.

8. Indirect

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

External/Internal Administrative Costs $22,000 $0

External accounting department (payroll) and any other technical department support.
Indirect costs calculated at 10%.

Community Support

The Save a Life, Awareness Prevention Program engages the community and participates

in an ongoing effort in providing suicide prevention awareness opportunities within the Inland

Empire region. During the running of the three-year course of the program, the Save a Life

program will become involved with Riverside County and San Bernardino County by

volunteering its members and time through attendance in local community health events, such as

NAMI walks, providing mental health educational presentations to parents in community

centers, and recruiting and training volunteers and high school peers to give back to their

communities. In addition to its community support efforts, the Save a Life program also

collaborated with Reach Out, a nonprofit organization located in the Inland Empire and

Riverside University Health System Department of Public Health in community events and

mental health and suicide prevention/educational trainings.

In addition, Save A Life, Awareness Prevention Program’s volunteers come directly

from within the Inland Empire. Volunteers are dedicating their time in working with parents,

youth, and community organizations in helping decrease stigma on mental health through

volunteering and advocating in events and leading discussions in presentations within the

community for adults and students. Through the volunteers’ community efforts, families will be

able to have the opportunity to learn risk factors, warning signs, and resources in regards to

speaking with their children about suicide and mental health.

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

Furthermore, Save A Life Program works as a liaison in partnering communities and

schools in attaining specific resources that will assist students in receiving the right resources and

assistance if needed. The resources used as referrals will also be residing within the Inland

empire region and be invited to come out to schools for presentations, school events, and other

community events in order to continue connecting schools, districts and other organizations in

building the communities’ knowledge and education level of awareness on mental health.

The Save A Life Program collaborates with the local community colleges and universities

in their internship program for college students who are seeking to get experience in the field of

public health, human services, and sociology to help bring awareness to their community and

earn college credits toward their degree. The community can benefit from this opportunity

because the presentations and events are led by individuals within their community and future

leaders, with the help of our staff.

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

Appendix: Community Support Letters

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

Logic Model

• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •


California Department of Education. (2018). Youth Suicide Prevention. Retrieved from

Epstein, S., Roberts, E., Sedgwick, R. et al. (2019). Child Adolescent Psychiatry. Retrieved


Kids Data. (2019). Youth Suicide Rate. Retrieved from

Kim, K & Dickstein, D. (2013). Relationship between teen suicide and non-suicidal self-injury.

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Teens everywhere share risk factors for suicide. (1996). Brown University Child & Adolescent

Behavior Letter, 12(11), 7. Retrieved from


• 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 • (951) 537-5375 •

World Health Organization. (2019). Mental health: Suicide data. Retrieved from

Youth Suicide Prevention. (2018, August 14). Retrieved from


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