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Being an introvert was embedded in me, but on the other hand I had to get out of my comfort zone.

name is Zia Ulhaq, a calm young man who was born in Banda Aceh on February 28, 1998. I am a typical
calm, quiet and melancholic man. One day I was serving as chairman of an organization, my partner was
a very talkative woman, almost every day I was scolded by her because too relaxed in my duties. My
principle is, don’t be panic when faced with a problem, because I believe, the problem in human life will
basically be completed as long as someone moves. Running, walking, fast, slow, on time, delaying is just
the way to solve it. "God will not give a trial beyond the ability of his servant"

I was a student at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh majoring in English education. I spend time every day by
studying at school, reading books, and writing. I like writing, even though my writing skills are still bad,
but I still learn to be better. I poured my writing in the form of quotes about love, poetry and short
stories on Instagram. Besides writing, I also like reading books. Because books are food for the soul and

I get a lot of things about life from books, including teaching. At first I just spent my day in the room
watching movies or writing. Because I am a typical person who uncomfortable when in a crowd, rarely
interacts with many people. But over time I realized that the world created by God was not as narrow as
a room. Finally I decided to register with a BIMBEL agency and I taught for a few months there. I get
things that I have never had before. It turns out teaching is fun. How to build a correlation with
students, with their parents. Then I tried to join the volunteer community to teach underprivileged
children in remote villages. Although tired but very pleasant.

I was graduate from MAN MODEL Banda Aceh. While studying there, I learned many things. The way to
study is not monotonous and very exciting. The learning system has been focused on Student-centered
where students must be active during the learning process. The teacher utilizes several media such as
projectors, computers, objects in class, books and the internet as learning media.

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