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Read the passage below and answer the questions 1—4.

Sports are a popular form of entertainment. Many international sporting events are organised from time
to time. Most of these events are sponsored by multinational manufacturing companies and business
firms. They pay for the sports events in exchange for the right to advertise their products during those
events. These events are telecast worldwide by satellite and people all over the world watch them live. As a
result, the sponsors' products receive maximum media coverage thus giving companies international
recognition. This is only the commercial aspect of international sport but there are other aspects too. The
sports venue becomes a meeting place of people from different countries. When people of different nations
get together on the occasion of an international sporting event, they come closer to each other, sharing
views, opinions and friendship. This opportunity creates a sense of brotherhood and a spirit of mutual
cooperation among them. Moreover, getting acquainted with different cultures helps to break down
prejudice and broaden outlook. If globalisation has anything to do with the development of international
relationship, then sports can certainly contribute in a big way to this.
1. Choose the right word to complete each sentence. 15=5
(a) Most of the sports are patronized/planned/introduced by multinational companies.
(b) Getting revealed/concealed/changed with others helps to break down prejudice.
(c) Sponsor's products receive maximum profit/investment/publicity through telecasting
sporting events.
(d) Getting acquainted with different nationals widens/extends/expands our mind.
(e) Sports are considered to be amusement/attainment/time-killer.
2. True/False? If false, give the correct information. 15=5
(a) Sports can keep a vital role to come closer of the nations.
(b) Global sports cannot bring peace and harmony.
(c) Through sporting events, the products of multinational manufacturing companies and
business firms cannot draw the attention of the consumers.
(d) Apart from commercial aspects of international sports, there are other aspects of mutual relation.
(e) Friendship between nations can be enhanced through sports.
3. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of words in brackets. Add any preposition if necessary.
(a) The sports venue has become a (meet) —— place of all nations.
(b) Sports are highly (entertainment) ——.
(c) Sports had earned (popular) —— people of all walks of life.
(d) The (popular) —— sports now depends on satellite channels.
(e) (Acquainted) —— different cultures helps people break down their prejudice.
4. Make a list of five positive sides of global sports. 15=5
Read the passage below and answer the questions 5— 8. Unit  3; Lesson  3(B)]
Feeding the ever growing population is a big challenge for Bangladesh in the coming decades. The major
challenge for the country is to sustain the current level of agricultural production. The task is daunting,
especially when the country loses about 80 thousand hectares of cultivable land annually due to
excessive pressure on land for human settlement as well as the building of infrastructure such as roads
and bridges. Moreover, river erosion and other non-agricultural uses contribute to the diminishing of
agricultural land. Although the total number of farm holdings have increased by 18 percent, the
cultivated area has declined with the average farm size decreasing from 2.26 acres in 1983-84 to 1.69
acres in 1996.
Given that about 80% of the farms are small and highly fragmented. More imaginative and effective
organisations of production are needed to sustain agricultural productivity and create more employment
and income for the farming community. The newly emerging 'contract farming' taken up by a number of
private agri-business firms is one approach for promoting food production, especially fruit and vegetables.
One possibility to compensate for the loss of land is to go for land reclamation in the Bay of Bengal for
which of course the country needs massive external assistance.
It is essential to improve agricultural production in general and food production in particular. For this,
support from the public sector is necessary to generate and promote technologies, and hence to
strengthen production. Bio-technology research and development of hybrid crops and animal species
need to be given priority which will probably involve partnerships with multinational private sector firms
and institutions.
5. Write short answers to the following questions. 15=5
(a) Which particular problem does this text deal with?
(b) What factors have led to the problem?
(c) What measures are suggested here to deal with the problem?
(d) What is 'contract farming' system?
(e) What are the causes of decreasing land in Bangladesh?
6. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the text. 15=5
Bangladesh is going to face some challenges in the coming years. But (a) —— the growing population
is the main challenge. Although the growth rate of population has (b) —— to some extent, the
population has doubled since independence. On the other hand, we are (c) —— a large amount of
our (d) —— land because we are building house and infrastructure on land. So to meet the
challenge, we need to (e) —— agricultural productivity.
7. Summarize the passage in five sentences. 15=5

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