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6th –13 th of May2019

6-13 MAI 2019
2019. MÁJUS 6-13.

Monday 6th of May / Május 6., hétfő/ Luni 6 mai

Arrival in Tirgu-Mures. Impro Scott 11 is about to begin. / Érkezés Marosvásárhelyre.
Az Impro Scott 11 projekt kezdete / Sosire la Tîrgu-Mureş. În curând va debuta
proiectul Impro Scott 11.
19.00 – Meeting at the University of Arts / Találkozó a Művészeti Egyetemen /
Întâlnire la Universitatea de Arte
 Setting the five groups (draw) – the result will be five groups of Scott, Hungarian
and Romanian students (room 35) / A csoportok összeállítása (sorshúzással) –
öt csoport, skót, magyar és román diákokkal (35-ös terem)/ Stabilirea celor cinci
grupe (prin tragere la sorţi) – rezultatul, 5 grupe având studenţi scoţieni,
maghiari şi români (sala 35)
 All five groups will take part at Scott Johnston’s workshop – Arrival and
Meeting (room 35) / Valamennyi csapat részt vesz Scott Johnston workshopján
– Arrival and Meeting (35-ös terem) / Toate cele cinci grupe vor lua parte la
workshop-ul condus de Scott Johnston – Arrival and Meeting (sala 35)
22.00 – Karaoke night (Office Club) / Karaoké est (Office Club) / Seară de karaoke la
Clubul Presei - Office

Thuesday 7th of May/ Május 7., kedd / Marţi 7 mai

10.30-14.00 – Group 1: Workshop Gordon Dougall (Music) - sala 22
10.30-14.00 – Group 2: Workshop Monica Ristea (Acting) - sala 34
10.30-14.00 – Group 3: Workshop Cristina Olar (Contemporary Dance) - sala 8
10.30-14.00 – Group 4: Workshop Ioan Ardelean (Suzuki and ViewPoints) - sala 35
10.30-14.00 – Group 5: Workshop Biatrice Cozmolici (Animation Theatre) - sala 31
19.30 – Offline - performance at National Theatre (Studio Hall)/ Offline, a
Marosvásárhelyi Nemzeti Színház előadása (Kisterem)/ Spectacol Offline –
Teatrul Naţional Târgu-Mureş, Sala Mică
22.00 – Romanian night (tba) / Román est (....)/ Seara românească la ....
Wednesday 8th of May / Május 8., szerda/ Miercuri 8 mai
10.30-14.00 – Group 5: Workshop Gordon Dougall (Music) - sala 22
10.30-14.00 – Group 1: Workshop Monica Ristea (Acting) - sala 34
10.30-14.00 – Group 2: Workshop Cristina Olar (Contemporary Dance) - sala 8
10.30-14.00 – Group 3: Workshop Ioan Ardelean (Suzuki and ViewPoints) - sala 35
10.30-14.00 – Group 4: Workshop Biatrice Cozmolici (Animation Theatre) - sala 31
18.00 - Viceversa, dance performance at University of Arts Tîrgu-Mures (room 8) /
Viceversa, a Marosvásárhelyi Művészeti Egyetem előadása (8-es terem)/
Spectacol Viceversa – Universitatea de Arte din Târgu-Mureş, sala 8
22.00 – Hungarian Night (tba) / Magyar est / Seară maghiară
Thursday 9th of May / Május 9., csütörtök / Joi 9 mai
10.30-14.00 – Group 4: Workshop Gordon Dougall (Music) - sala 22
10.30-14.00 – Group 5: Workshop Monica Ristea (Acting) - sala 34
10.30-14.00 – Group 1: Workshop Cristina Olar (Contemporary Dance) - sala 8
10.30-14.00 – Group 2: Workshop Ioan Ardelean (Suzuki and ViewPoints) - sala 35
10.30-14.00 – Group 3: Workshop Biatrice Cozmolici (Animation Theatre) - sala 31
16.30 - Shakespeare Mechanics, performance at University of Arts Tîrgu-Mures
(room 31) / Shakespeare Mechanics, a Marosvásárhelyi Művészeti Egyetem
előadása (31-es terem)/ Shakespeare Mechanics – Universitatea de Arte din
Târgu-Mureş, sala 31
22.00 – Scottish night (Office Club) / Skót est (Office Club)) / Seară scoţiană la
Office Club
Friday, 10th of May/ Május 10., péntek / Vineri 10 mai
10.30-14.00 – Group 3: Workshop Gordon Dougall (Music) - sala 22
10.30-14.00 – Group 4: Workshop Monica Ristea (Acting) - sala 34
10.30-14.00 – Group 5: Workshop Cristina Olar (Contemporary Dance) - sala 8
10.30-14.00 – Group 1: Workshop Ioan Ardelean (Suzuki and ViewPoints) - sala 35
10.30-14.00 – Group 2: Workshop Biatrice Cozmolici (Animation Theatre) - sala 31

18.00 - Miss Julie, dance performance at University of Arts Tîrgu-Mures (room 8) /

Viceversa, a Marosvásárhelyi Művészeti Egyetem előadása (8-es terem)/
Spectacol Viceversa – Universitatea de Arte din Târgu-Mureş, sala 8
Saturday, 11th of May / Május 11., szombat/Sâmbătă 11 mai
10.30-14.00 – Group 2: Workshop Gordon Dougall (Music) - sala 22
10.30-14.00 – Group 3: Workshop Monica Ristea (Acting) - sala 34
10.30-14.00 – Group 4: Workshop Cristina Olar (Contemporary Dance) - sala 8
10.30-14.00 – Group 5: Workshop Ioan Ardelean (Suzuki and ViewPoints) - sala 35
10.30-14.00 – Group 1: Workshop Biatrice Cozmolici (Animation Theatre) - sala 31

18.00 - Departure – workshop Scott Johnston (University of Arts, room 35)

Sunday 12th of May / Május 12., vasárnap/ Duminică 12 mai

11.00 - Tour of the city / Városnéző séta / Turul oraşului
20.00 – Final party (t.b.a.) / Záró buli (…. ) / Petrecere finală (…)

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