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Jumping jacks (20)

Burpees (20)
Leg exchanges (sometimes called mountain climbers - 20)
push ups (10)
sit ups (10)

One minute break and light stretches

Knee ups (like a half kick, knee to chest) 10 right leg, 10 left leg, 19
Jumping in the air, knees to chest (10)
Jumping in the air, touch toes behind you (10)
Jumping in the air one leg forward, one back ("running man" - 5 alternating
each side)

One minute break and lower body stretches

Upper body

push ups (10)

army push ups por Hindu push ups (10)
tricep push ups on knuckles, hands turned inward (10)
finger push ups, Filipino push ups or clap push ups, your choice (5)

Middle section punches from sitting stance

single alternating middle section punces (10)

double middle section punches (10)
triple middle section punches (10)
10 in a row middle section punches (10)
Single punches no kihap (10)

Wrist and forearm from sitting stance

Hands in front air grabbing (40)

Hands in front, cross pulling. Start with hands crossed over and grab and pull
them to your sides (40)
Arms straight out to sides, finger squeeze and air grabs (3 sets of 10 of each)
10 push ups (why not?)

One minute break

Lower body

Front leg roundhouse squat kicks (10 each side)

Cut kick/push kick combos (10 each side)
High level kicks (10 each side)

Line drills (12 meters in our dojang)

Bunny hops
Squat hops
Frog leaps
Pilates push ups (Bend over, walk hands out, push up and walk legs up)
somersaults into half hurdler stretches
One minute break


sit ups (10)

Oblique push ups (touch elbows to opposite knees - 10)
lateral crunches (5 a side)
Chest lifts (lying on stomach, raising your head and chest as high as you can
and hold for three seconds - 5)
Reverse sit ups (lying on stomach, raising head and legs and holding for one
second - 10)
One knee sit and tucks (brutal; place one leg acros the other and do a sit and
tuck situ up - 10 a side)
V snaps (10)
Vertical toe touches (alternating five a side)
Leg lifts (start with legs six inches above the ground and lift them up as high
as possible - 10)
Vertical scissors (legs at 6 inches, flutter kicks - 10)
Horizontal scissors (legs still at 6 inches, open and close legs - 10)
Crucifix (arms out to the side, hold legs six inches of floor for ten seconds)

Expire, stretch and hydrate. Eat carbs afterwards.

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