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Susan: John… you’re back!

John: I was at home last night…I called but you weren´t at home,
where were you?
Susan: Maybe I was at my exercise class… You look awful!
John: I was up all night
Susan: Why?
John: I wasn´t sure if I should take the job
Susan: So… was the weather nice in Denver?
John: No... It was cold and cloudy
Susan: Were the people at KDEN friendly?
John: Yes… they were very friendly!
Susan: Was the hotel near the studio?
John: Yes, It was. Do you want to hear about the job?!
Susan: Oh John.. Don´t tell me now.. I don´t want to talk about that..
John: I want the job..but I don’t want to leave you!
Susan: You have to do what´s right for you
John: Susan… we can continue our relationship
Susan: Ow… come on! I wasn´t born yesterday!.. It won´t work
John: I WANT IT to work..
Susan: Long distance relationships never work
John: Susan, I really care for you!
Susan: Can you just.. leave me alone now?!... please?
John: Don’t throw away what we have together..
Susan: Its over John.. Please go!
John: Susan!..
Susan: Please go John.. Excuse me..

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