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The following are risk factors for CHD events, namely fat intake, smoker status (0: nonsmokers,
1: heavy smokers), habitual OR (0: never OR, 1: routine OR), blood sugar and cholesterol. Perform
an analysis to find out the risk factors that affect the incidence of CHD.


Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B)
Step 0 Constant 1.036 .248 17.431 1 .000 2.818

From the graph above, P = 0.000 < 0.05. This means there is a significant relationship between
the independent variables (Fat intake, status of smoking, physical activity / OR habits, blood
sugar and cholesterol) and the dependent variable (Coronary Heart Disease)

Classification Tablea
Observed Predicted
Case of CHD Percentage
Sick Not sick Correct

Sick 7 15 31.8
Case of CHD
Step 1 Not sick 2 60 96.8

Overall Percentage 79.8

a. The cut value is .500

The independent variables in the model are 79.8% correct to explain the cases for Coronary Heart
Disease (CHD)

Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) 95% C.I.for EXP(B)
Lower Upper

Step 1a FatIntake -.103 .305 .114 1 .736 .902 .497 1.640

Statusofsmokers(1) 1.386 .624 4.943 1 .026 4.000 1.179 13.579

ORhabits(1) -1.219 .756 2.601 1 .107 .295 .067 1.300

Bloodsugar .069 .059 1.347 1 .246 1.071 .954 1.204

Cholesterol .045 .017 6.994 1 .008 1.046 1.012 1.081

Constant -6.324 2.643 5.726 1 .017 .002

a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: FatIntake, Statusofsmokers, ORhabits, Bloodsugar, Cholesterol.

From the table below, there are only two significant variables (P < 0.05), and these are status of
smoking and Cholesterol.

Status of Smoking; Status =1, Heavy smoker.

The odds of a heavy smoker suffering from Coronary Heart disease (CHD) are 4 times more likely
than a non-smoker


B = 0.045, meaning there is a positive relationship between the cholesterol content and the risk of
becoming sick from Coronary Heart Disease.

Exp(B) = 1.046, means The odds of a person having more cholesterol are 1.046 times more likely
than a person with a low cholesterol content

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