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Figuro 2-3. Cake solids 5 9 function of primary clarifier ficiency and PS:WAS rato. Primary TSS Remove, 9% Sludge Coke, % TSS coD/e00, S80D,/80D, = 0.38, 0 0 PS, % of Mixture Ta Both the synthesis value “a” and endogenous decay value “b" are reported in the literature on a TSS and VSS basis and thus the origin of those values must bo distinguished. As shown in the WPCF Manual of Practice No. 8 Treatment Plant Design, the CODIBODs and TSS/BODs values must be specified in order to project a net yield as a function of SRT and temperature. Thus, the values of "a" and “b* are variable and both temperature and SRT dependent. Since sludge yiolds are higher at lower temperatures, itis necessary to use the colder period of the year to project maximum sludge production, when the organic loading is uniform throughout the yeer. Figure 3-4 indicates the range. of sludge production to bo expected at temperatures betwoen 10 and 30°C (60-86°F) as a function of the SRT with and without Primary treatment. In this caso, the wastewater is specifically identified as typical domestic wastewater at 400 mg/l COD, 200 mg BODs, and TSS, and primary clarifier effluent is as noted. This curve should not be used for wastewaters having different 16 relative COD/BODs/TSS ratios either in the raw ‘wastewater or in the settled primary offiuent. When the CODIBODs ratio: of the primary effluent exceeds the values shown in Figure 3-4, higher ‘excess biological solids production will often’ occur if the COD is removable by adsorption/oxidation. Los Angeles-Hyperion, Columbus-Southerly, and Columbus-Jackson Pike all have primary effluents of 2.32.71 CODIBODs,. Secondary sludge yiolds of 0.76-0.90 kg EASikg BODs are produced (EAS ‘excess activated sludge (WAS + effluent TSS)]. Not suprisingly, the COD yields (kg EASikg CODa) are ‘more consistent. The BOD test may be, on occasion, {poor indicator of the yield. 3.1.5 Biological Phosphorus Yield When phosphorus is removed, the net sludge yield will increase measurably. The increase will be similar to that experienced when Fe+*+* or Alt ++ ‘adcition is employed to precipitate the phosphorus chemically. That is, the excess phosphorus Precipitated by manipulation of the biological environment is also an inorganic salt of K, Ca and Mg. it is recommended that the following procedure be used to determine this excess sludge. Influent BODs: 149 mgf Effluent SBODs: 5 mgil = BODSR: 135 mgt influent TP: 8 mgf to bio-treatment Effluent STP: 2 mail (soluble) Calculated sludge yield: 65 mgi VSS 80 mg TSS Normal sludge P: 2.0 percent VSS Excess bio-P removal 8 - 2 - 0.02165) 4.7 mgil P ‘Additional sludge (4.5 mgimg AP) 45 x 4,7,= 21 mgl Total sludge production = 80+ 21 = 101 mgt The value of 4.5 was based on an average MW of 140 for the inorganic phosphorus crystals ‘in the biological cells. in this example, the biological sludge yield would have increased from a calculated value of 0.61 mg EASimg BODsR to 0.76 mgimg, or 21 percent higher. ‘Typical yield coefficients found in all textbooks and other reference materials do not allow for this higher sludge yield. However, recent papers in biological phosphorus removal have confirmed the MW is about 140. The phosphorus balance [primary effluent (PE) to final effluent (FE)] provides an easy and direct method to determine the net yield, SRT, and system MCRT (mean cell residence time). MCRT in this

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