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You are excitable

SI: Do I Am? I’m on fir, I just got to toss Jennifer Love Hewitt behind the stage there.

R: You what?

SI: I grabbed her

R: Ah, ok

SI: She is gorgeous, isn’t she?

R: What a little beauty

Si: Oh man. She’s gorgeous

R: That kind of says it’s a pleasure to meet you because you’re one of the few remaining guests
that I have yet to have on the show, and actually chat so it’s actually really great to have you here.

SI: Thanks Mate

R: Good for you, now is it exciting for you with all, with the movie coming out, you’ve been doing
probably a lot of interviews and everything like that it’s actually great to be back home

SI: Oh yeah, oh Mate, it’s like, you know, coming homeis easily the best thing I was in America, we
did like five weeks twelve hundred interviews, you know, from one end of the country to the
other and I was very very daunting and to come home I was like crickey, thank goodness I’m back

R: Did you miss the outback?

SI: Oh, absolutely. First thing, get off the plane mate, o did go out and boom, straight into the bush,
free me swag out, camped under the stars, and I was healed up.

R: Thanks, great, yeah, how big are you in the states? They love you…

SI: Six foot and around ninety seven kilos

R: But they love you, don’t they?

SI: Oh heck, mate it’s gone ballistic, it’s going off, it’s like, uhmm, you know you gotta have
bodyguards, minders, police escorts, the limousine convoys and secret agent doors. Putting on
camouflagein disguise and stuff mate, it is absolutely… it’s weird, it’s really weird

R It must feel weird, because that’s not where you come from at all
SI: No mate, im just a bloke from the bush, you know, good old Steve Y’all make type of thing, go
over there, and it’s just like everyone’s um, having a go, you know what it’s good for that Rove?
We are conservationists, make through and through like we live for conservation our message is
so strong, really, we are saving the world

R: Which is good

SI: Well, have a look, haven’t got what’s happening right you know? We’ve got this dark cloud of

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