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Madison Kincaid

Dr. Moore
English 1113
July 10, 2018

Pages 487-492 talk about comparing and contrasting in an essay. Comparing tells how things are the

same, while contrasting tells how things are different. The purpose of comparison and contrast is to

clarify something for the reader so they can better understand what the author is trying to tell them. A

writer can organize and compare and contrast essay subject by subject for longer essays and point- by-

point for shorter essays or depending on how they want to get their point across. When an author wants

to compare things that have nothing alike and are abstract using an analogy can help clarify to the

reader what is being compared. The book gives several examples od compare and contrast essays to

show how and for what they are used.

A compare and contrast essay has several fundamental points that help it function properly. The

topics need to be both similar and different enough to be compared and contrasted, so the essay can

make sense. An essay needs to be organized properly depending on it’s length and the information that

the author wants to convey to the reader. Also, the reader must learn something that they had not

previously known.

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