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BY JAMES BASTIEN Hal steps 2 6 —Majorseale a7 — Music Review Que 5 8 hs 6 wo "ths 7 Primary Chords a6 “Tsads and Inversions. 918 Choral Progression 1V w 19 Chore Progression 1V7 un o20 Chore Progression LIV? 12 22 Question and Answer Phrases, 18 24 ‘G Major Seale Mow Primary Chords i 13 28 Time Signature 16 30 Fermata Sign ae Contents hag inn adnan —F Major seate Primary Chords in ihe Baler haps Majer Sharp Key Satur, tadeer Lines Group2kee (DAE) Daj Seale. — prey Chords in — Lad ine Review Order of harps Review Question and Anawer Phrases —AMsjor Seale Prizary Chords in 8 EMajor seate Primary Chords in Music Review 5 2 20 2 “To infor the feeling of achievement, the teacher or student may put a / when the page has been completed, 4382 Jutland Drive, San din USA. ©1985 Kjos Wes wserved. Prin California 2117 tnternational copyright secured. Al rights WARNING! All the music, text, at, and graphics in this book are protected by copyright law. To copy or rmprodhice them by any method is an iniringement ofthe copyrigat lave, Anyone who reprodices ‘copyrighted matter ie subject to substantial penalties and assessments fre infringement, 2 Half Steps Ahaalf step is the distan« cen neighbor keys with no key between, 4. Draw a whole note a half step higher from the printed note, then play and name these half steps. 2 3 2 38 2 38 2, Draw a half note a half step lower from the printed note, then play and name these half steps. 3. Play and name these notes. 28 a, 2, 3 a 2 se 2 WP207 Use wth page Gf Piano vel Whole Steps A whole step is the distance between neighbor keys with one key between. 4. Draw a whole note a whole step higher from the printed note, then play and name these whole steps, 2 a 2 3 2 3 2 8 2 8 2 8 5. Draw a quarter note a whole step lower from the printed note, then play and name these who 6. White the names of thy whole s half or whole steps. Write 122 for halfstep and 4 for tep. Play these half and whole steps. se wih page Sof Pano, Level. WP207

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