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Measures you can take to reduce pollution

To reduce environmental pollution you don't

have to work as a volunteer in an NGO or take
drastic actions

1 With regard to the means of transport

Walking or cycling as this in addition to
reducing pollution will benefit you in your
physical and mental health

2 With regard to the energy you consume at


There are several actions you can take at

Unplug electronic devices that are not in use
Don't leave lights on when you don't need it
Recycles and separates waste

For purchases use ecological bag of fabric

separates the garbage between the organic
and inorganic wastes
With organic waste you can make use to
fertilize the soil of your plants

When I finish college I hope to get a good job.
I'm hooked on software development. Planning
to always work in the software area as a boss
or start as a developer and raise a lot of money
for my future and reach my goals. To make my
family and children happy, and to be successful
professionals with my wife.

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