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ADVANCED GUIDE oS Se US ee ° LEARN DESIGNER’S SECRETS! ¢ MONEY SAVING METHODS! ¢ FIT PANTS PERFECTLY! © TIPS FOR BEGINNERS AND EXPERTS! ADVANCED GUIDE TO THE ILUTTERLOH PATTERN SYSTEM CONTENTS Tadex . Introduction .......4 The Golden Rule ..., Symbols Page Pattern Naking Tools The (BABEE VERE vere oes os boinatgy + How To Take Measurements ....... Make Vest Pattern .........005 Transfer Markings Cut Out Vest .. bie alee Pie + Fitting The Basic Vest Shoulder Adjustment Bust Dart Adjustment .. Body Length Adjustment Body Dart Placement/Fitting Facings ...,... Interfacings .. Linings .. Shoulder Pads are Sewing Instructions ............ 21,22 Pattern Taterchangeability 23,24,25,26 Drafting Pants ....... + 27,28 Fitting Pants Type A... +++ 29,30 Fitting Pants Type B. oe SG Bg! Dratting Skirts .. 33 Drafting Sleeves, Collars” 34 Drafting Pockets. Waistbands ...... 34 Using Demonstration Leaflet ....... 35 Children's Patterns ..........2.... 36 Men's Patterns .. scecte 9 8 Fabric Allowance/Suggestions ...... 37 Fabric Conversion Charts Stretch Fabrics ...., Customer's Letters The Author ...... THE LUTTERLOH PATTERN SYSTEM The Lutterloh Pattern System was developed in West Germany in 1935, by Mrs. Maria Aloisa Lutterloh. Today it is the most successful pattern system on the market, used by millions of severs around the vorld, The system is available in 25 countries and printed in 14 different languages. Several European fashion houses contribute to the pattern collection, to give you a wide range of classical, timeless and modern garments. The complete Lutterloh Pattern System contains 280 patterns, that are interchangeable, thus giving you thousands of different designs. Most patterns are for women; some patterns for men and children have been included as well. To update your pattern collection, 40 new patterns are published every season, Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. ‘The Lutterloh System uses only 2 measurements to make perfect fitting patterns for any figure type or size. After you have made your first pattern, you will agree, this is the best pattern making method for today's busy sever. SIMPLE, FAST and ACCURATE |

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