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Ciera Johnson


English AP 4th hour

Synthesis Essay #1

Monuments have a great deal of importance because of the honorable moments it

presents. It is vital that a monument is created and placed carefully in a location what will idolize

it. Monuments play a huge role in memorializing the past , while creating monuments those

should consider many things. Such as families, the image that it will portray to the community,

and the location.

Monuments that are seen today may honor fallen soldiers. Maya Lin, the designer of the

Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. captivated and with care executed a heart felt monument

to honor the past. Families of many fallen soldiers have the heartache of losing a loved one due

to the army. Nevertheless, (source G) " The use of names is a way to bring back everything

someone could remember about a person." With this monument, families are forever thankful

for the acknowledgement their loved one has received. Although many believe that idolizing the

past the past, will carry on many further feelings. It is important to highlight those who have

risked their lives for our country.

In addition, when monuments are crafted the creators must think about its importance and

how it will be seen in a society's view. The importance of a monument will determine how its

treated by the community. A man named Elroy Johnson posed for a called, “The Maine
Lobsterman”. This sculpture was honored at first but failed to be cared for after money issues

occurred. Soon the sculpture was neglected, and began to decay. It was vandalized and eaten by

rats. The lack of respect for this sculpture was because it was meaningful to only a select few.

With this being said it is important to create an honorable monument that many will care for, as

time goes on.

Lastly, when placing a monument it should not disturb any of the area that was there

before it was placed. Monuments should coincide with where it is placed, to bring out features of

the area. In source G, Maya Lin stated “ The idea of destroying the park to create something..

seemed hypocritical…” It is clear that Lin respects nature especially in its original state. She

creates a monument that works with nature instead of fighting against it. Monuments have an

impact when they are important and are placed carefully without disturbing naturistic characters.

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