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The whole task of completing this website was a bit challenging. I liked being able to create
a website and design it how you want instead of writing a long essay. The part that I found
difficult during this process of developing my website was getting started on my essay. I
found this difficult as I am not much of a essay writer. The most part that I found enjoyable
in the process of developing my website was designing and creating my website and finding
the pictures to go with the website and poems. Some things that I found challenging in the
process of developing my website was not being able to get things into place for example
texts. Some successes that I can celebrate in developing my website was that it all flows and
looks pretty. I can also celebrate because my website has lots of photos. The purpose of my
website is to show perspectives of love through poetry. I achieved this purpose as I have
used my three poems Love Philosophy by Percy Bysshe, Love one another by Khalil Giblan
and Love world by Gajanan Mishru. These three poems are about loving each other and the
world. These poems use a lot of personification, similes, metaphor and symbolism. My
website is coherent as it all fits together and makes sense. I was going for a bright and
happy theme but with different pictures as the background. My website has aesthetic
appeal as it easy to find and move around and is also pleasing to the eye such as being plain
behind the writing but have a pop out to your eyes picture. I like doing this whole task of
completing a website as it was challenging for me but also easy at the same time.

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