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In these days, movie is the important part of our culture.

Many people say watching movies is their

hobby. And among them, some people said that movie has changed their life. There is various kinds
of movies in theater. But it is hard to find movies that evokes something good in our mind.
Nevertheless it is still worth to try to find good movies. A good movie can influence an individual’s
way of thinking. The example of good movie is “Dead Poets Society”. The movie’s background is
the school where tradition is regarded as most important value. In the school, students have to
fulfill their duty in order to be a successful man. They spend their whole days studying math or
history etc according to the schedule. While living boring life, they meet someone special, who tells
them live extraordinary life. This person is professor Kitting, who teaches them literary. In his first
class, he made his students rip the textbook up, and feel the poets. He gradually influences student’s
way of thinking and also audiences.

Professor Kitting tells the students that “carpe diem”, which means seize the day. In living life that
is fixed by many things to do, students start to find special things that made their life meaningful.
Many people faces same situations in their life. They have to do things that society requires to them.
But purpose of life is not doing the duty which is usually unhappy. In the movie, professor Kitting’s
lecture is not only students in the class of the movie, but also audiences seat in the movie theater.6
The lecture of Kitting evokes thinking that I can find something special in my life like these students
in the movie. And this thinking made behavior that

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