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What makes things worth writing for? Let’s take a newspaper for example.
Newspapers are made from people who write it, correct? But, how is it possible
for them to write fast each and everyday? Simple, they take part in writing things
that are relevant in society as we know it.
Scripts for movies are almost the same thing as writing and publishing a
newspaper. Scripts for movies have a very emotional tone to it, depending on
what type of movie it is of course. Everything happens for a reason in a movie
script so maybe the person writing the script has a reason for “Why did a lot of
people die in Avengers: Infinity War?”. We soon find out the conclusion and also
why they all died in the newest Avengers, ​Endgame.​ T​ here is always a reason for a
person who writes movie scripts; well, unless if the movie mysteriously leaves
everyone at a cliffhanger.
Autobiographies and Biographies are another great example. Let’s use
Frederick Douglass as an example. Frederick Douglass was a born slave.
Throughout his life, he wrote an autobiography of himself and the things he does
as a slave. It then leads to many hardships and struggles until we reach to the end
of his autobiography, where he escapes and finds a new home. Later after that,
he became an anti-slavery activist. Overall, Frederick Douglass’s autobiography is
truly a national treasure for any reader who had read it because you really feel
the emotion and the struggles that Frederick faced during his enslavement and
after it and how he achieved great heights since then.
Now let’s address this question towards you, the reader. What makes
things worth writing for? Is it the feel of just writing something just to get it off
your mind? Is it because you have a very interesting story plot that you’ve been
keeping for when you write? Or is it because you are creating movie scripts and
figuring out which one of the main characters are going live or die? Many
possibilities await for you. If you’re a high school student, your main plot point
can be the struggles in high school. With that, you can build around the plot and
maybe add the graduation process and how difficult it was. Overall, you should
write about anything you desire and like. If you want to write about the last
season of Game of Thrones, then feel free. The sky's the limit, go on and write.

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