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My Career Timeline

Attend UCF Get my A college

to finish my Masters and Professor
bachelors in Move into Teaching
Education teaching soon to be
Middle School and aspiring

2020 (1 Year) 2021 (2 Years) 2024 (5 Years) 2029 (10 Years) 2034 (15 Years) 2039 (20 Years)

Gets my first Move out of Retire

My career goal is to be the best teacher I Jon as a Florida and After
can be, and work my way up through the teacher in an Teaching nearly 20
Elementary 11th Grade years of
grades, until I am a college professor School Social Teaching
giving back by teaching up and coming teaching 3rd Studies
education students the tricks, tips, and tools
that I have learned along my career. I will
achieve this goal by further expanding my
own knowledge and going back to school
for higher education. I will also attend
seminars, mentorships, and other classes
that can help my success thrive.

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