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SPN 367P/ LAS 322

Business in Hispanic Life and Culture



The final project in this course is the creation of a start-up company, either based in the
Spanish-speaking world or targeting Spanish speakers in the US. You will work in groups of 3 or
4, collaborating on a portfolio and a 20-minute presentation. The portfolio and presentation will
be graded independently base on four criteria: Information (40%); Presentation (40%);
Relevance (%10); and Language (%10). This project is an opportunity to apply the knowledge
and vocabulary that you learned throughout this semester.

Proposal: After forming your groups, each group will email the professor a 1-paragraph
proposal, outlining the overall idea for the business and why you think it may be successful. This
proposal is due on April 16, by midnight. This is the last day I will accept it, but feel free to
send me your proposal earlier to get a head start. This is required, but not graded.

Presentation: Each group will give a 20-minute presentation on your start-up, entirely in Spanish.
Notes can be used, but the goal is to speak independently of them. Each member of the group
must speak during the presentation. Be prepared to answer questions from the professor or fellow
students. The presentations will be April 30, May 2, May 7, and May 9 (if necessary).

Portfolio: On the day of your presentation, your group will also send the professor a digital
portfolio (.pdf) that covers the following topics:

1. Demographics- Where is your business located? Why? Who is your target audience?
2. Company Organization- What kind of company is it? Why did you set it up this way?
3. Management- How is the company organized, horizontally and vertically?
4. Banking/Accounting- How will your start-up be profitable? What are your costs?
5. Human Resources- What will you look for/expect from employees?
6. Marketing- Create and explain a marketing campaign for your company.
7. Finances- How will your company be financed? How will you sell your idea to investors?
8. Import/Export- How will your knowledge of Business Spanish help your start-up?

While this is certainly a demanding project, it should also serve as a fun experience to flex your
collaborative and Business Spanish skills. Please contact me at any time if you have any
questions or confusion.

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