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SG1l SGI SG1l SAM Pe Approved For Release 2004/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-0079 4 1R000200190028-; CONFIDENTIAL a ith re Mr. D'Amato believes CIA is making a good faith effort and understands no decisions will be sade antil the “blue-ribbon” pane] reports in late September. Mr. D'Amato is concemed with the mraetion of four Senators and the fate of the DIA personnel assigned to the program. He will call CIA D/OC, land CIA EX/DIR| to discuss an option, pending the study SC! results, of ers" being offered a rotational assignment to CIA studying fot remote viewing, He believes the STARGATE staff is being poorly used at DIA. soll raised, and Mr.D'Amato understands, the problems of “ralsing false hopes" that might accompany such an assignment. Mr. D'Amato stys Sen, Pell a true believer but is retiring; Sen. Inouye is interested but won't intervenes Sen, Cohen is very interested but not publicly; and Sen. Glenn is interested enough that he might write a letter supporting continued research, ‘The CIA/DS&T delegation gave'an excellent, balanced overview of the project: ‘The "blue-ribbon" scientific panel assessment that CIA is sponsoring will be completed by 30 September 1995. CIA indicated i wil abide by the results ofthat effort concerning the funure of this program, We believe we have formed a credible panel of experts under the study being managed by American Institutes of Research. CIA prefers that the DIA personnel associated with the STARGATE program remain in DIA until the completion of the assessment. CIA Participants: Follow Up Actions: CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2004/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00791R000200190028-7 ~ Sf Approved For Release 2004/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00791R000200190028-7 c sGtl a Ret quis te we. To aad Aver eS oe olay do ee DIA Cmpew OR Ly cetnet An ercemen of Se mechs | Gilfeetae— Qass WH £ ac Neeefer Th ed badd Seu hot oak (let Fhe * ea), Ack pir d'Or “se deer pt Dia Wed vor Chea hares ie wee 1C \ed "i fe fo yA Me = a, Aas ae MO : Cf 18 Sete twats ce conden denny ase fae ote, x Ree oe Id, gaboby - Se othe 7 we hgh le ot By or Avey bed Sem eke DG acd Perego Tea eA, oplyed, AB ndrded A sage ee ee owe het fo Follow Up Actions: SGi1l CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2004/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00791R000200190028-7

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