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Revision Starters Exam 19 February 2019

Units 4 & 5

Personal Questions – preguntas personales

What’s your name? My name is Sara

How old are you? I’m seven
How are you? I’m fine, thank you
How many girls/boys are there in the class? There are eight.
What’s your favourite colour? It’s blue
What’s your favourite animal? It’s a dog
What’s the weather like today? It’s sunny and hot

Colours- colores
The Body
red- rojo
blue- azúl ears - orejas
green- verde eyes- ojos
yellow- amarillo nose - nariz
black- negro face - cara
pink – rosa mouth - boca
grey – grey teeth- dientes
brown- marrón
white- blanco
purple- purpura
orange- naranja

horse- caballo
old- viejo
fish- pez
young- joven
turtle- tortuga
happy- feliz
dog- perro
sad- triste
cat- gato
ugly- feo
rabbit- conejo
beautiful- guapo
bird- pájaro
big- grande
mouse- ratón
small- pequeño

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