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Writing: Write a recipe

Look at the pictures of someone making a pizza. Use the information to write the
recipe. Add your own favourite pizza toppings. Remember to make the order clear
(e.g. First, After that ... ).

First, in a place where you can use the flour, make a hole in the middle, place the oil,
begin to add water and go uniting, until it becomes a white mass but does not stick on
your fingers.

Then, Oil a pizzera place the dough and with your fingers stretch it, bring to a hot oven
a few minutes, remove, and expand the tomato to which the skin has been removed,
the seeds, liquefy it seasoned with salt and oregano.

Finally, take a few minutes to the oven to 200 °, to cook the tomato then place the
cheese, and ham lojas, and go through the oven again until the cheese melts.

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