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Following her release from prison, Debbie Ocean, younger sister of the late Danny Ocean, meets
with her former partner-in-crime Lou to convince her to join a heist that she planned while serving
her sentence. Debbie and Lou assemble the rest of their team: Rose Weil, a disgraced fashion
designer who is deeply in debt with the IRS; Amita, a jewelry maker and friend of Debbie's who is
eager to move out of her mother's house and start her own life; Nine Ball, a computer hacker;
Constance, a street hustler and pickpocket; and Tammy, a profiteer and another friend of Debbie's
who has been secretly selling stolen goods out of her family's suburban home.
Debbie plans to steal the Toussaint, a $150 million Cartier necklace, from the Met Gala in three-and-
a-half weeks, and use Met Gala co-host Daphne Kluger, a famous actress known for her long neck,
as an unwitting mule who will wear the necklace into the gala. The team manipulates Daphne into
choosing Weil as her stylist, and Weil and Amita go to Cartier to convince them to let Daphne wear
the Toussaint. They also surreptitiously digitally scan the necklace in order to manufacture a cubic
zirconia duplicate.
Debbie seeks out Claude Becker, an art dealer who ratted her out to the police when they were
discovered for art fraud, which led to her arrest and imprisonment. Debbie manipulates Daphne to
invite Becker as her date to the gala. Lou realizes that Debbie is out for revenge on Becker, but
Debbie reassures her that everything will be fine.
Weil discovers a flaw in the plan: The Toussaint can only be unclasped using a special magnet
carried by the bodyguards hired by Cartier. Nine Ball enlists her younger sister, Veronica, to build a
similar magnet in time for the gala. As the gala begins, Daphne consumes soup that Lou spiked,
causing her to vomit in the restroom, where Constance takes the necklace. When the necklace is
discovered to be missing, the museum is evacuated and searched; Tammy "finds" the duplicate
necklace in order to end the search before Amita, who has retrieved the real necklace and is
disassembling it, is discovered in the kitchen restroom. Amita retools the Toussaint into several
pieces of jewelry, and gives them to Constance to slip to the members of the team. Debbie plants
one of the parts of the necklace on Becker.
Soon after the gala the necklace is returned to Cartier and identified as a fake. John Frazier, an
insurance fraud investigator, arrives to investigate. Frazier, who has a history with the Ocean family,
notices Debbie's presence at the gala and suspects her involvement in the heist, although he is
unable to find any evidence against her. Debbie assures Frazier that she does not know where the
necklace is, but she may know where part of it is. Daphne is revealed to have been in on the plan,
tipped off by Weil's bad acting, and Debbie and Lou invited her in to keep her from turning them in.
Daphne visits Becker for a romantic evening, and she finds the diamonds planted on him by Debbie
during the gala. She sends a picture to Frazier so that he can obtain an arrest warrant, and Becker is
arrested for stealing the necklace. To further frame Becker, Debbie hires actresses disguised as
elderly socialites to sell pieces of the necklace and deposit the money into an account in Becker's
As the eight celebrate their victory, Daphne asks Debbie and Lou how all the shares could be paid
from the lesser amount made from the sale of separate parts of the necklace. Lou reveals that while
the gala was being evacuated, Lou and "The Amazing" Yen were stealing some of the Royal jewels
on display during the Gala, which makes their cuts higher than expected. Each member of the team
goes her separate way with her money: Amita goes to Paris with a man she met on Tinder; Weil
pays off her debts and opens her own store; Constance buys a spacious loft in the city and becomes
a YouTuber; Tammy expands her business in selling stolen goods; Nine Ball opens a pool bar;
Daphne becomes a director; Lou goes on a cross-country road trip; and Debbie returns to Danny's
grave to raise a toast to him with a martini in his honor.

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