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GOAL: You are to display understanding of the changes in the environment through the campaign
in managing climate change risks.

ROLE: You are a volunteer from the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
(NDRRMC) in coordination with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

AUDIENCE: Classmates and teachers

SITUATION: The country is experiencing significant environmental changes nowadays. This

alarming change in climate has signaled NDRRMC to do a campaign to Manage Climate Change
Risks. As a volunteer, you are deployed to different schools to make students aware on how to
manage climate risks that have inevitably affected human lives and the environment.


An infomercial on the probable causes of extreme weather conditions lately.
The infomercial should also include statistical data from the past five years, pictures
comparing past and present, and tag lines that will surely catch the attention of students. The
presentation should not be more than five minutes long.

STANDARDS: Your product will be assessed based on the following criteria:

1. Accuracy of content
2. Purpose
3. Organization
4. Creativity
5. Impact on audience
6. Mechanics

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