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‘WESTERN SYDNEY UNIVERSITY Professional Practice | v Secondary Program Report Tasted ( Presenioe Teachers name | ANWWANICKEL [bates 25H April = 19% ane | “ 2017 Curriculumfeaching area ENGLISH a W of days ae ‘School AIRDS HIGH SCHOOL "| NP of placement 1of2 | SUMMARY COMMENTS by the SUPERVISING TEACHER Aniva will make a wonderful teacher! She has led the class with engaging lessons through games or straight content to develop their understanding of diferent types of writing such as sentence types,creatve personal responses, literary essays, and explaining their visual choices. She has also encouraged the students to engage in the content in a variety of ways from acting and group work to solo performance. Her lesson planning has improved wit its inclusions and she is learning about vastly different types of cohorts and classes. She has ‘thoughtfully experimented with how she uses the layout of the classroom to serve pariculat classes. She has ‘seen the power of scaffolding to assist weak writers in doing better. She has increased her level of explicit | | teaching when providing instruction and she is excellent at eliciting answers from students, and discussing parts ‘of the lesson with the students whether atthe start or as the class progresses. She has used starter activities, ‘and reward activities to motivate the students where necessary. She has been flexible — adapting the needs of {he students when necessary such as allowing students a more relaxed lesson after NAPLAN exams, giving them a choice of direction. She has used time-markers to keep students on task and she has listed activities on the board to keep students on track. She is generally positive in her praise and has written out some merit | awards.— or pointed out student to whom merit awards should go. She has delved into exploring new technology | ‘and how that can effect lesson planning. She even has marvellous clear handwriting on the white board! She has begun to experiment with using ALARM matrixes for teaching literary analysis. Lastly, she has participated | in whole school activities, helping with the organisation, rehearsals and performers across the school in our Flag | Ceremony. Aniva is an amazing human being and both | and the students appreciate her and will miss her. OVERALL ASSESSMENT Grade: WI satisfactory D1 unsatistactory ‘SATISFACTORY: The Pre-senoe Teacher has passed and met the expected standard in mast of the relevant elements as described by ‘he NSW institute of Teacners fortis stage of her professional learning, Where a Pre-service Teacher's wok is considered outstanding ‘orwell above average, tis judgment shouldbe reflected the sur comments. UNSATISFACTORY: The Pre-senice Teacher has fall this Professional Experience unit and has net demonstrated al ofthe relevant laments as described bythe NSW insiute of Teachers. The Supervising Teacher, Professional Experience Cootinalor and Principal ‘af the opinion tal the Preservice Teaco roquites an ation Profesional Experience to attempt to demonstrat salisfactory ‘cmpetanc asa gradvale teacher. No re-service Teacher shoul receive an Unsatisfactory rade without being placed Al isk and the Committee of Avice being convened. This grade may be recommended on ONE ar mare ofthe fling grounds + Performance Deficiencies ~ i. faire o exhib ceria ndcated forthe particular Professional Experience unt; + Witharewing ftom Professional Expaence — unless a Withdrawal Without Penal is awards + Non-Acadamic Miscondct ‘Superiising Teacher's Name __PIA CRUZ. Signature:__/ G Date: 13 /6/201% Pre-service Teacher's Signature:__A\niva Nich pate: 13/6/2074 Proseic eater a eases te Suey Tease age beer rasa Teacher Sanda at ae aplee to Prdencna Expernca i as er ND ol denorstad 9 = Senorsvau & Exceis xperaas Eiabrte one Pe ‘eros Tethers person rien fe Cone satan. Suncast ats bo eons ease ove ot cilaaon nh spopias Conners eta fsa en ear pees nso NS STANDARD 1:KNOW STUDENTS AND HOW THEY LEARN ND]D [E Focus area (GRADUATE TEACHERS TET Physical socal Demons ont nd UnSoSRAE oT SAL SOT an to into twin declan avanti cadens and how tse may tevelopmentand | afr curing hanclrtis of students TE Unienand Row | Denon Know es and wnderndngorsc o Bow aes 7 stent arn team andthe picts fr nching 73. Sudenwity | Dense noted of eachng satis ita responsiveo The Giver linguist, | tng senate andncads of students fom divers ngs Ua ultra religious and | religious and sociogconomic backgrounds v akpoun | | ae TAT Siptegcs Tor | Danone Broad owed and undoandng The pt oT eu teaching Aboriginal and deity an tings background onthe eden of dens om Tomes Sit inde | Aboriginal and Tones Strat sander backgrounds suds [137 Ditterentiane ‘Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of strategies for differentiating: teaching tomestthe | tahing to meet he pei arnng needs of tents ats he al ang Specicleaming nos | ofabltes, ‘of students across the v | fal range often | TT Stages 9 Deon broad Envios and undersea toeatblbacterkes | wittcennsenemnar cies oeaeen ts eerie / vues wih wii disability Lo ‘Comment Aniva brought with her experience as a mother and not only did she lear about differentiating in the elasscoom, she went ‘hove and beyond to participate inthe school Plag Ceremony, taking time out to spend time with many of the performers and fo assist them in performing and be apart ofa whole school performance. She even brought in poetry fora senior class whieh was looking at Australian texts during her observation period to supplement their learn ‘STANDARD 2: KNOW THE CONTENT AND HOW TO TEACH ND]D [E Focus area ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS 2.1.1 Content and Demonsirate knowledge and understanding of The concepts, substance and teaching sraegies ofthe | structure of the content and teaching strategies ofthe teaching ara, teaching area 22.1 Content slcaon | Organise Sntnt oan TSAI Tearing and acing BENS: 7 ad organisation 31 Caren Us ava, aint aod veporing wc ts desig earn assesment and| scquenots ad lesson plan v pening TA Uniewand and] Demonte ited Row RAGS wndoantg a and PTT tepset orignal and | Aboriginal and Tomes St slander hoi, clus and nung Tons Stat lender | ponte prom v | Fecin beeen ingens an ne Iolgenos Avelans SCI Literacy nd] Know and understand Tiers and nomeracyieaching Siege and thir Y | numeray tess | aplication n teaching areas. | 2.61 Infomation and] implemen esching strategies for sing ICT Wo Span Gs aN Communication ports for sade 4 | Technology (ICT 1 Comments Aniva experimented with Aurssma and how fo use this kind of technology in conjunction with a Year 9 class studying Macbeth. She also was able to deliver various lens using Microsoft Povexpoint and earn how to take records using the schools computer system (Senieal). She 38 able to employ differen srtegies inthe classroom, often opening with an effective use of questioning to involve most students in discussion She had w number of ativitis planned for each lesson | - never ean out of things 10 do, She was able 1 use time limits for ativities. She was able to break down more difficult | concep into more easily manageable parts for dhe students. She has also used table data (numeracy) in essay planning NDE challenging leuning als oe eile 52.1 Plan, smutare and) Plan eon sequences sina sequence learning effective teaching satsies 4 programs scaaaeseaenan ts a 33.1 Use teaching | Tnolods a vange of caching Sategies Z| sieges Bal Sele and wae resources 4 35.1 Use tfeoive | Demonsate a range of verbal and non-verbal communication ATaioies © classroom suppor studen engagement. u 3.6.1 Evaluate and Domne road Knowiodge of sraogics at can be wed to Sane improve teaching | teaching programs to improve student learning. 4 parents) | Desoribea broad range of sategis for volving parents he carers in the educative | educative process. U aes | _ t ‘Comments Aniva was able to reflect on her lessons and the students’ varying abilities and adapt her lessons based on student response. She was also abe to adaps her lesson planning according to the needs ofthe local school’s Learning and Support Team requests. She tented mectings with the Learning and Support Team in order to work out a collaborative teaching sequence with another class. She demonsirated diferent ways to use technology from film t Poxerpoint to Aurasma, She spoke clearly. She was even able to communicate effectively with one parent in their own language to addres the needs ofa particular child ‘STANDARD & CREATE AND MAINTAIN SUPPORTIVE AND SAFE LEARNING ND TD TE ENVIRONMENTS sais ASPECT ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS 4.1.7 Support student | Identify strategies to support inclusive student parieipation and engagement a paricipation ___| in classroom activities 442.1 Manage classroom | Demonsirate the eapaciy to organise classroom activities and provide clear activities slitwetions 43.1 Manage ‘Demonstrate knowledge of practical approaches to manage challenging challenging behaviour | behaviour i 44-1 Maintain student | Describe srategies that Suppo students wellbeing and safely working | sate Within school and/or system, curriculum and legislative requirements, y s ‘ "a | FETs ICT cael, | Demonsirate wv understanding ofthe relevant Issues and the srategics responsibly and ethically | available to suppor the safe, responsible and ethical use oF ICT in learning al and teaching, ‘Comments Aniva experimented with changing the desks for a particular set of lessons and mixing up the students with clear directions. She re-iterated basic behaviour expectations in the classroom regularly such as “no swearing” booth verbally and on the white board. She gave verbal warnings very early on in advance of behaviour becoming too out of control. She responded to whole class issues from lesson to lesson. She used her voice effectively to get attention. She increasingly incorporated positive feedback to encourage positive learning behaviours. She learned and followed about the rules governing content ~ GIPG/M,

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