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After the split with the Eastern Christian Church and ascent that the Roman Catholic
Church experienced during and after the Crusades, the influence of the Vatican begins to decline.
The integrity and reputation of the Roman bishops began to be challenged by his congregation,
by its very faithful believers. Roman Catholic clergy have been accused of riotous living,
indulgencies, simony, intrigue and everything in what the Roman Catholic Church turned. It was
result from acquiring enormous financial and political power after the Crusades, which main
organizer was Church. A wave of discontent began to spread through Europe, culminating in
1517 when Martin Luther publicly announced his 95 theses against the Roman Catholic Church
and, perhaps more important, against the Roman Catholic theology.

Reformation swept the entire northern and Western Europe. England was no exception.
In 1509, king becomes Henry VIII, who was described as a young, ambitious and theologically
versed. In parallel with the arrival of Henry VIII, in England begins to strengthen interest in
theological doctrine, especially in the Oxford and Cambridge, and in 1535 was published the first
edition of the English Bible (Coverdale). How the spirit of the Reformation spread through
Europe, so work of Luther arrived to students and theologians in England.

After the initial friendship with the Pope, Henry VIII wished to divorce his wife,
Catherine of Aragon, who was previously married to his brother. However, Pope Clement VII
had withheld support which led to disagreements. Because of that, Henry VIII in 1534 brings the
Act of Supremacy and proclaimed himself as a 'sole head of the Church of England on earth. "

As far as the ecclesiastical theology of the Church of England, it is Episcopalian type, i.e.
community of bishops is well connected organization. There are three stages in the church
organization that consists of a preacher, priest and bishop. Unlike the Roman Catholic Church,
Anglicanism is not required for celibacy of the priests. Depending on the attitude of the local
church, women can also work as preachers. In the mid 19th century in the Anglican Church
appeared monks and nuns who are primarily responsible for humanitarian work, cultural
activities and connecting people. According to some sources, many of them are missionaries in

Certainly, the role of the monarch in the hierarchy and structure of the Anglican Church
is important. From the times of Henry VIII British monarch is the Supreme Governor of the State
Church of England. Monarch sets, in consultation with the Prime Minister, highest ecclesiastical
dignitaries. Today, in the life of the Anglican Church, particular place occupies Archbishop of
Canterbury, who has the official role of the spiritual leader of millions of believers of the
Anglican Church.

The theology of the Church of England has developed more than five centuries and it is
based on the experiences of the most important theologians of the Anglican Communion as well
as the experiences of the Anglican Church. Among the documents that have exceptional
importance in the life of this community it should be mention 39 articles on religion from the
1604 year, as well as significant liturgical document Book of Common Prayer. Like almost all
Protestant communities, the Anglican community is also facing individual religion reflection
rather than authoritative.

What is facing the Anglican Church today, like almost all traditional religious
communities in England, is a continuing decline in the number of believers. This is a trend that
continues from year to year, and if something does not quickly change, the Anglican Church is
facing a serious problem, which is going to show in several decades. Today it has about 80
million believers. In addition to England where is the majority of the Anglican community of
believers, especially should be noted number of believers in following countries: Nigeria (17.5
million), Uganda (10 million), Australia (4 million) and followed by Kenya and the USA.

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