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The 5 Biggest Mistake women make with their training programme

-Eric cressey

1) Choosing the wrong training modality:

Women often gravitate towards cardio activity & shy away from pure strength
training .There are numerous benefits by strength training which need to be

2) Not following a well designed program:

Lifting weights only is not enough. A proper program should consist

of soft tissue work, breathing, core, flexibility, Energy system work,
Balance work.

3) Not lifting heavy enough:

Make sure that you are always challenging yourself so that body has
to consistently adopt to keep up with the increasing demand to
improve your strength, performance & body composition.

4) Not resting enough:

Taking time to rest appropriately between exercise & sets allows

muscle to fully recover so that quality of rep will be improved.

5) Not doing a through warm up:

A perfect warm up should consist of dynamic flexibility, mobility

drills, activation exercises, Specific warm up for bigger lift, Cardio
warm up if necessary.

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