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Mars used to be a habitable planet because of the evidence of river beds on its surface.

concludes that if a planet has water, it can sustain life. Earth and Mars are considered as sister planets.
Due to its similarities like its closeness to gravity and its size we can say that Mars can be our new Earth.
WE can say that a planet can sustain life or we can say that a planet is a habitable planet if it has, gravity,
nutrients, water, and energy found in that planet. Earth has that four attributes but Mars has none of those
Due to the evidence of river beds in Mars we can say that Mars used to have water. And water is
one attribute of a habitable planet. Water in liquid form is thought to be a necessity for life on Earth.
Naturally, some say that life may flourish under other conditions, and perhaps even in the absence of
water. Thus saying Mars used to be a habitable planet. And the proximity of Mars to the Sun tells us that it
has the right energy coming from the Sun, same as Earth.
We humans can't alter the environment of Mars. It would take millions probably billions of years for
us to say that Mars can be habitable. Mars used to sustain life and probably in the future it can return to its
former glory. We humans can't live in a planet not similar to Earth or a planet that has no 4 characteristics
of a habitable planet.

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