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Activity 1

I like the soccer that’s why I like to read biographies or interesting histories about
the most important soccer players, also I like to read for example how big
companies started in the country and about historical characters that who marked
the world too.

Activity 2

1- the sixties 1, 2, 3
2- the seventies 4
3- the eighties 5
4- the nineties up to the present day 6

Activity 3

1- She was with her mother.

2- Around 5 p.m., she listened that somebody had seen a chimpanzee and she
immediately went to look it.
3- She hadn’t scientific qualifications, but after some researches and articles in
magazines, she could study and she got a doctorate.
4- She discovered that chimpanzees ate meat, they used tools to get food, and
they also made tools and after she also discovered that the chimpanzees
could be violent.
5- In the sixties and after they gave her an admission to a university.
6- Because it was on the border of four different countries and there was
fighting between soldiers and rebels.
7- No, she stayed with a military escort.
8- Because the human population was increasing in the region and this was
causing deforestation.
9- No, she left of Gombe but she isn’t retired.
10- She gives interviews, talks, and lectures, meets with government officials,
and raises money for the Jane Goodall Institute, which continues her

Activity 4

a This was new and surprising scientific information at that time. 4

b Even ordinary people around the world were starting to recognize her name.
c This was the start of a lifetime of studying the behavior of the chimps in Africa.

d This work continues to the present day. 5

Activity 5

 Why did not you go of Gombe?

 How did you create the initiative to grow trees?
 At some point did you think give up?
 How long did you take to record the documentary?
 What is your motivation to study the chimpanzees?
 What is the most difficult thing of your job?


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