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Q: What percent of Carbon Monoxide can cause death in less than one hour?

A: 0.4 percent or more.

Q: What is the ignition temperature of Carbon Monoxide?

A: 1100° F.

Q: Why are small quantities of Carbon Monoxide injurious?

A: Because it is not easily eliminated and it accumulates in the blood.

Q: What is the chemical symbol of Carbon Monoxide?

A: CO.

Q: What is the specific gravity of Carbon Monoxide?

A: 0.967.

Q: What is Carbon Monoxide (CO)?

A: It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, combustible, and poisonous gas.

Q: How can Carbon Monoxide be detected?

A: By Carbon Monoxide detectors, and by chemical analysis.

Q: Workers should not be employed for a period of 8 hours where the Carbon Monoxide content
exceeds what?
A: 50 PPM (0.005%).

Q: What percentage of Carbon Monoxide might produce symptoms of poisoning if breathed

A: 0.01% (100 ppm).

Q: What is the source of Carbon Monoxide?

A: It is the product of incomplete combustion (combustion with an insufficiency of Oxygen).

Q: When is Carbon Monoxide most likely to be found in mines?

A: When there is a mine fire or after an explosion.

Q: What does the presence of CO in a sealed mine area indicate?

A: A fire.

Q: What percentage of blood saturation by Carbon Monoxide (CO) will cause death?
A: 70% – 80%.

Q: The explosive range of Carbon Monoxide is what?

A: 12.5% – 74%.

Q: What percentage of Carbon Monoxide will produce slight symptoms in several hours?
A: 200 PPM (.02%).
Q: What percentage of Carbon Monoxide will produce discomfort in two or three hours?
A: 400 PPM (.04%).

Q: What percentage of Carbon Monoxide will produce a tendency to stagger in one and one-half
(1½) hours?
A: 1200 PPM (0.12%).

Q: What percentage of Carbon Monoxide will produce symptoms of unconsciousness in thirty

(30) minutes?
A: 2000-2500 PPM (0.20% – 0.25%).

Q: How much greater affinity does hemoglobin have for Carbon Monoxide than for Oxygen?
A: About three hundred (300) times.

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