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Factory farming

Antho: Have you heard about factory farming? it's a way of producing
meat and other animal products quickly and cheaply by keeping animals in
small spaces in buildings and feeding them special types of food
Junior: Oh yes, I heard about it, I’am absolutely convinced that is unethical
, also is bad for health.
Antho: Yes, I’am agree. I have recently seem a video about it,It's horrible
how they treat animals. i have no doubt that is totally inhuman.
Junior: without mentioning that many of the workers that work in factory
farms may suffer from respiratory, infectious or mental diseases
Antho: The factory farming also damage the enviroment due to excesive
use of fertilizers and pesticides. the factory farming also cause
contamination of the water, air and earth.
Junior: I'm not happy about it. i not see anything positive in factory
farming only danger for us and for the planet
Antho: i have doubt about if the damage caused to the enviroment worth
and it isn't all. also harm the workers and the consumers.
Junior: i haven't doubt, don't worth. The only beneficiates to factory
farming are their owners.
Antho: I agree with you. i only wait that it stopped

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